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Masonry Mortaring and Grouting

Classification 04 05 13.

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Krystol Mortar Admixture (KMA)

Krystol Mortar Admixture (KMA)

Verified 9 months ago

Kryton International Inc

Krystol Mortar Admixture (KMA) is a hydrophilic crystalline admixture used to provide long-term protection of masonry mortars and concrete masonry units against water and waterborne contaminants by reducing permeability and absorption of the mortar.KMA simplifies installation by removing the need for surface applied sealers and is easily incorporated into the existing mix-design and application processes. KMA provides superior waterproofing performance that lowers building maintenance and repair costs.HOW IT WORKSKMA contains Krystol technology. When added to cementitious mortars or concrete masonry units, Krystol chemically reacts with water and un-hydrated cement particles to form insoluble needle-shaped crystals that fill capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete and block the pathways for water and waterborne contaminants. Any moisture introduced over the lifespan of the concrete will initiate crystallization, ensuring permanent waterproofing protection.Product BenefitsLowers upfront building costs compared to surface applied sealersSimplifies installation, eliminating labour, and shortening the construction cycleIncreases the life of your mortar and decreases building maintenance and repair costsIncreases durability and delivers a permanent solution with materials designed to last the lifetime of the mortarMaintains the original appearance and cleanliness for lasting building attractiveness

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