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PITT-GLAZE® WB1 - epoxy

Verified by manufacturer over a year ago

Dulux Canada

PITT-GLAZE® WB1 is the only zero-VOC* single-component epoxy that delivers high performance durability for high-traffic spaces.

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Ideal for:

Aluminum, Galvanized Steel, Concrete, Gypsum Wallboard-Drywall, Concrete/Masonry Block, Plaster, Ferrous Metal, Wood.


Recommended for healthcare, education, manufacturing, and correctional facilities in hallways, bathrooms, locker rooms, warehouses and more.

Available Sheens

  • Eggshell
  • Semi-gloss

Available Bases

  • Midtone
  • Neutral
  • White

Features & Benefits

Zero VOC*

The only zero-VOC* pre-catalyzed epoxy available.

Excellent durability

Delivers exceptional durability.

Great for high-traffic areas

Ideal for high-traffic areas in commercial and institutional spaces.

Excellent mildew resistant coating

Provides resistance to mildew, fungus and mold on the dry paint film.

*Colourants added to this base paint may increase VOC level significantly depending on colour choice.

General information


09 91 23 Interior Painting



09 91 23 Interior PaintingPrimary


09 91 23 Peintures-travaux intérieurs


Product range

Specialty Paints

Specification data - Interior Painting


PITT-GLAZE® WB1 Product Brochure

PITT-GLAZE® WB1 Product Brochure

PITT-GLAZE® WB1 16-1310C Series

PITT-GLAZE® WB1 16-1310C Series

PITT-GLAZE® WB1 16-1510C Series

PITT-GLAZE® WB1 16-1510C Series

16-1310C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Eggshell White And Pastel Base

16-1310C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Eggshell White And Pastel Base

16-1510C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Semi-Gloss White And Pastel Base

16-1510C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Semi-Gloss White And Pastel Base

16-1320C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Eggshell Midtone Base

16-1320C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Eggshell Midtone Base

16-1340C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Eggshell Neutral Base

16-1340C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Eggshell Neutral Base

16-1520C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Semi-Gloss Midtone Base

16-1520C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Semi-Gloss Midtone Base

16-1540C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Semi-Gloss Neutral Base

16-1540C PPG PITT-GLAZE WB1 Interior Semi-Gloss Neutral Base

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