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A new Stiltz Homelift enriches the life of a visually-impaired user


There are always some things worth fighting for and Craig

Mucznik from Nottingham felt exactly like that about his

Stiltz Homelift.

We caught up with him a year after he finished his ambitious two-storey extension and he tells us what a difference having a Stiltz domestic lift installed in his home has made to his life, and about the obstacles, he overcame to make sure it all went according to plan.

We meet Craig, his mum, Glenys and their two adorable Bichon Frise dogs (Snoopy and Rocky) at his now finished, future-proofed house which is testimony to his ability to juggle tricky project management. In place of an awkward galley kitchen and utility room, there is now a spacious, accessible kitchen beautifully kitted out to his specification. It is modern, light and airy with plenty of room for his wheelchair. It is also where he has placed his Stiltz home lift, allowing him stress-free access to the upstairs space. It is the culmination of his creative vision.

Building Back Up

Back in 2005, Craig Mucznik had a serious motorbike accident leaving him with life-changing injuries. Aged just 30, he was placed in a coma suffering major leg and chest injuries which later resulted in visual impairment leaving him with only four per cent vision in one eye. He admits: “It was very touch and go. I was in intensive care for three months and I also acquired MRSA.” However, Craig has a strong, independent character and, with the help of his family, he began to rebuild his life.

In 2012 he successfully applied for a Disabled Facilities Grant which enabled him to put in an adapted bathroom. It was during this project he first encountered well-meaning advice from Occupational Therapists that did not quite tally with his own ideas. “They tried to get me to have a wet room but I knew I wanted an adapted bath,” he says. By managing the project himself he learned the process of obtaining the grant and how to ensure his equipment preferences took priority. This was to stand him in good stead.

Realising the vision

Fast forward to 2018 and Craig’s thoughts turned to safe access between floors. Now divorced, he wanted his four-bed house to work for both him and his mum, who had moved in with him. “I was watching DIY SOS and I saw this great domestic lift and I said to mum ‘that’s great, I like the look of that’.” He quickly discovered it was a Stiltz home lift and as Craig was already planning on a two-storey extension, he knew it would be the perfect solution for helping him get upstairs.

Wasting no time, Craig contacted Stiltz Homelifts and trusted assessor Alastair Gur, from the company’s Trade Team, came out to meet with him. “It was hard to visualise because the extension was all still just an idea,” Craig explains. However, as he was going to project manage the build himself, he was the best person to talk knowledgeably about it. “I was absolutely certain I wanted to go with Stiltz Homelifts, I knew I liked the products and they understood what I was trying to achieve.” Previously, Craig had worked at Toyota Group managing complex projects and, along with accounting qualifications, this extension was something he was perfectly equipped to take charge of.

Changing hearts and minds

Confident that he had made the right choice in selecting a Stiltz home lift, Craig contacted his Occupational Therapist to get his needs assessed before applying for a Disabled Facilities Grant. “I explained I needed a through-floor lift and I was sure about the one I wanted. They agreed that a lift would be better for me than the old stairlift I’d previously had. It had finally packed up and due to my weight, even a replacement wouldn’t have been suitable. However, they were keen to put forward other companies that didn’t really offer what I was after,” he says.

Craig explored other domestic lift brands but they were not right for him. Firstly, he disliked the system of using ‘agents’ and he was adamant he wanted to deal directly with the company and not a third party. Secondly, they constantly discussed how much the grant was worth rather than just telling him about the lift cost. Craig was funding the build costs, so he just needed the price and someone that shared his vision.

New Technology

Once again, as with his bathroom, he encountered resistance from some healthcare professionals and a reluctance to embrace newer, more innovative products. “They were talking about through-floor lifts with old hydraulics and noisy pumps located on the outside wall which I worried might annoy the neighbours. I knew that the quiet, electric Stiltz technology, all housed in the lift car, was exactly what I needed, and nothing changed my mind. Extensive building work upstairs was also recommended which I felt was not necessary, especially as it would result in the loss of a bedroom.”

Having grown up with a father owning a garage and loving tinkering with bikes, Craig had more than a passing interest in well-designed engineering. He had already identified the simplest solution and felt the next-generation home lift design provided by Stiltz Homelifts was best for him. He finally overcame objections, and everything was approved.

Despite beginning the build at the start of the pandemic, Craig ploughed through all the obstacles. There were issues with lockdowns and supply issues but being able to deal with Stiltz Homelifts directly, rather than through a third party, gave Craig confidence. When there was a problem, it was sorted immediately,” he says. “The installation itself was really smooth although it took a day and a half, just a bit longer than it usually would because of factors that were nothing to do with Stiltz. But it went so well and really, that’s still no time at all.”

Total Transformation

Now, the house is transformed and his mum Glenys talks about the changes it has made to Craig, “It’s taken so much of his frustration away,” she says. “If he left something upstairs, he’d get so irritated and start rushing. This was when he was at risk of falling especially with his unpredictable knee. Now, it’s no big deal to get back upstairs and it’s really helped his confidence.”

Craig hugely appreciates the difference too, “I’m so pleased that everyone helping me listened to want I wanted in the end. My Stiltz home lift has given me renewed confidence and means I can access the entire house anytime I want to. I can travel between floors either standing or in my wheelchair, I have all the flexibility I need. Plus being over six foot and weighing around 16 stone, I have plenty of room on board and feel safe. The controls are so easy, especially with the braille buttons. The days of me falling down the stairs are history.” Craig opted for the larger Trio+ wheelchair lift model which means he can also take other items up with him – even one of his dogs, Rocky, enjoys the ride!

Products featured in this case study

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Trio+ Homelift - Domestic Electric Wheelchair Lift

Trio+ Homelift - Domestic Electric Wheelchair Lift

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