The future looks bright for students at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) thanks to its newly refurbished airy and inviting library space. Using Forbo Flooring Systems' Marmoleum Modular in contrasting colours and designs, a unique yet functional flooring design has been created, which has also led the project to be recognised as the winner of the Highly Commended award in 2016/17 UK Fly Forbo competition.
Modular Marmoleum - Linoleum tile flooring
Allura Flex - Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT)
Marmoleum Marbled Real - Linoleum sheet flooring
Edinburgh College
Leeds Children's Hospital
Calderwood Primary School
Nuway Tuftiguard Classic
Skanstes City Offices
Mills & Reeve Office
Tudor Place Student Accommodation
Ingram Micro
Calderwood Primary School
Stadtarchiv Köln
Avinode, Sweden
Stenden University of Applied Sciences
Temple Carrig School