Accessible toileting facilities are crucial in public spaces to meet the diverse needs of individuals. Changing Places toilets, such as the modular Care Capsule™, provide a portable and adaptable solution for those with disabilities, ensuring they can enjoy their outings comfortably. A recent project with the Sussex Wildlife Trust exemplifies the effectiveness of Care Capsule™ in upgrading existing facilities. Despite space constraints in the visitors and education centres, a modular unit was swiftly installed adjacent to the main building, offering accessibility without the need for extensive construction within pre-existing structures.
The project, initiated in January 2023, aimed for completion by the end of March 2023. The tight timeline was met through efficient processes, including a prompt site survey, proposal acceptance, and swift groundworks. Overcoming challenges like relocating a power cable, the team successfully hoisted the Care Capsule™ into place. The exterior was clad in local chestnut timber to harmonize with the surroundings, while interior features like Altro non-slip vinyl flooring, White Rock welded wall finishes, and height-adjustable units ensured both functionality and aesthetic coherence.
Changing Places Toilet
GoLift Ceiling Track Hoist - Compact Discreet Ceiling Hoist
Hudson Changing Bed - Foldable Height-Adjustable Shower Bench
East Point Pavilion | Changing Places Toilet
Birmingham Children's Hospital | Changing Places Toilet
Churchill Square | Changing Places Toilet
East Carlton Country Park | Modular Changing Places Toilet
St Andrew's Hospice
East Point Pavilion | Changing Places Toilet
Birmingham Children's Hospital | Changing Places Toilet
Churchill Square | Changing Places Toilet
Norwich High School for Girls
East Point Pavilion | Changing Places Toilet
Birmingham Children's Hospital | Changing Places Toilet
Churchill Square | Changing Places Toilet