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Cathodic protection systems

Classification Ss_20_70_10.

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LoCem® Conductive packing mortar with C-Puck I,II or III - Sacrificial anode option - Corrosion Management System: New Build

LoCem® Conductive packing mortar with C-Puck I,II or III - Sacrificial anode option - Corrosion Management System: New Build

Verified 8 months ago

C-Probe Systems

LoCem CPM is a mortar that activates a zinc anode. When connected to the metal structure, zinc sacrificial anodes create a galvanic cell, diverting the flow of electrons and sacrificing themselves.
+chase® - ICCP System for Reinforced Concrete Structures - Corrosion Management System: Restoration

+chase® - ICCP System for Reinforced Concrete Structures - Corrosion Management System: Restoration

Verified 8 months ago

C-Probe Systems

Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) anode mortar to pass corrosion protection current to reinforced concrete in structures such as multi-storey car parks and civil engineering structures.
+point® ICCP System - Corrosion Management System: Restoration

+point® ICCP System - Corrosion Management System: Restoration

Verified 8 months ago

C-Probe Systems

Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) anode to pass protection current to the structural steel frame of transitional era (1890–1950) buildings, and masonry clad steel frame buildings.

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