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Vantage Range | Classic - High-Grade Architectural Powder Finishes
Vantage Range | Classic - High-Grade Architectural Powder Finishes
Vantage Range | Classic - High-Grade Architectural Powder Finishes

Last verified by manufacturer 12 days ago

Bradleys Architectural Metal Finishes

Last verified by manufacturer 12 days ago

Bradleys Architectural Metal Finishes

Last verified by manufacturer 12 days ago

Bradleys Architectural Metal Finishes
Vantage Range Classic - A range of super durable high-grade architectural polyester-powder finishes designed to protect the substrate and to retain a decorative, durable, long-life colourful finish.
Bronze, Gold, Grey, Pink, Brown, Other
Metallic, Other, Powder-coated, Matt
Warranty description
40 year


To BS EN 12206-1 and BS EN 13438. QUALICOAT Specification.
Powder formulation
Polyester TGIC-free.

Additional properties

System performance
Interior Dry (C1)., Rural (C2)., Urban (C3)., Industrial (C4)., Coastal (C5).
Chromate pre-treatment or chromate-free pre-treatment near equivalent.
Initial coats
Not required.
Bondakote epoxy base layer., Not required.
Finishing coats
Protective architectural grade polyester powder-coat.
Gold Brass - BRL 0419 - low matt, metallic finish., Tarnished Brass - BR 0609 - matt metallic finish., Royal Brass - BR 10308 - matt metallic finish., Contemporary Bronze - BRL 0516 - low matt, metallic finish., Charcoal Bronze - BRL 0511 - low matt, metallic finish., Midnight Bronze - BRL 0416 - low matt, metallic finish., Oiled Bronze - BR 0700 - matt metallic finish., Statue Bronze - BRL 0418 - low matt, metallic finish., Weathered Bronze - BRL 0612 - low matt, metallic finish., Copper Bronze - BRL 10517 - low matt, metallic finish., Champagne Gold - BR 10304 - matt metallic finish., Medallion Gold - BRL 0716 - low matt, metallic finish., Peaceful Gold - BRL 10414 - low matt metallic finish., Honey Gold - BRL 10417 - low matt, metallic finish., Gingerbread Classic - low matt, textured finish., Gingerbread Dark - low matt, textured finish., Gingerbread Warm - low matt, textured finish., Flat Silver – BRL 0712 - low matt, metallic finish., Battleship Grey - BRL 0517 - low matt, metallic finish., Dovetail Grey - BRL 0613 - low matt, metallic finish., Fitzgerald Grey - BRL 0614 - low matt, metallic finish., Grey Aluminium - BRL 0519 - low matt, metallic finish., Oyster - BRL 0610 - low matt, metallic finish., Heritage Bronze - BR 0320 - matt metallic finish., Pink Mocha - BR0233 - low matt, metallic finish., Dusty Pink - BR0138 - low matt, metallic finish.
Achieved the ultimate Class 0 in accordance with ISO 2409.
Accelerated weathering
Class 2 ISO 16474-2 (1000 hrs) ≥90% Gloss retention.
Chemical resistance
Resistant to solvents (xylene rub test).
Colour stability at elevated temperatures
Dry film thickness
Approx. 60–80 µm.
Fire classification
Fire rating not required., Rated to A2-s1,d0.
SO 1519 (cylindrical Mandrel) Pass QUALICOAT class 2 requirements.
Florida exposure
Gloss Retention - Compliant with QUALICOAT Class 2 requirements.
Gloss level
Dependent on specific finish required.
Impact resistance
Using normal corrected vision, the organic coating shall not show any sign of detachment following the tape pull adhesion test.
Mortar resistance
As per EN 12206, no effect after 24 hours.
Permeability resistance
No sign of detachment or blistering as per QUALICOAT specification.
Cross-cut value 0.
Simple and easy to clean with pH neutral water and soft cloth or sponge.
Repairability: damage repair systems available for onsite application.
Performance characteristics
Acetic salt spray resistance (aluminium): ISO 9227 <16 mm² corrosion/10cm, 1000 hours.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials
A1-A3 (production stage)

Embodied carbon as defined in BS EN 15804

Normalised unit
4.4 kg CO₂ eq/kg
Declared unit
4.43 kg CO₂ eq/kg


Does not compromise the recyclability of the underlying material.