Pent roof - Type A., Pent roof type A with wall offset., Pent roof type A with balcony recess., Pent roof type A with guttering offset., Pent roof type A tapered wall bracket left/right., Pent roof type A tapered guttering left/right., Pent roof type C, trapezium-shaped sloping to eaves., Pent roof type C, trapezium-shaped sloping to ridge., Pitched roof type L., Pent roof type N, roof plane angled, outer corner always 90°.
Pent roof - Type A., Pent roof type A with wall offset., Pent roof type A with balcony recess., Pent roof type A with guttering offset., Pent roof type A tapered wall bracket left/right., Pent roof type A tapered guttering left/right., Pent roof type B, with bent side roof supports., Pent roof type C, trapezium-shaped sloping to eaves., Pent roof type C, trapezium-shaped sloping to ridge., Pent roof type G, with hipped and bevelled sides., Pent roof type I, with hipped sides., Pitched roof type L., Pent roof type N, roof plane angled, outer corner always 90°., Pent roof type R, roof plane angled, inner flute always 90°.