Product catalogue
Product catalogue
by BioClad
Advanced PVC is a high quality, virgin PVC hygienic wall cladding system for almost any environment. It is compatible with standard trims and details, can be welded and thermoformed. Perfect for areas requiring an easily cleanable, grout-free hygienic finish that requires low levels of maintenance. Available in a large ranges of colours.
Type F WC Flatwall Biopod - Modular IPS Unit
Biopod - Type G L Shaped Toilet With Returns
Biopod - Type N L Shaped Flatwall
Biopod - Type M WC Flatwall Multi Panel
BioClad White Antimicrobial Hygienic Wall Cladding - Antimicrobial Hygienic Cladding
BioClad Advanced Premium PVC Hygienic Wall Cladding - PVC Cladding
BioClad® Advanced PVC Hygienic White
Type E Right Hand Return Freestanding Biopod
BioClad Wall Protection
BioFloor Vinyl Safety Flooring
BioPod Antimicrobial IPS Unit
BioClad 9001 Certificate