Technical data sheet
Technical data sheet
by Specwall SP
Twin 100mm Specwall (Strong, Durable, Mould resistant Masonry Fire partition walls) - Insulated Twin Concrete Panel
Twin 75mm Specwall (Fire Partition, Robust, High Impact Wall) - Lightweight Twin Concrete Panel
Single 100 mm Specwall (SFS, Blockwork Alternative For Shaft, Risers, External And Internal Walls) - Lightweight Single Concrete Panel
Twin 100mm Specwall with 150mm Insulation (Strong, Durable, Mould resistant Masonry Fire partition walls) - Insulated Twin Concrete Panel
Twin 100mm Specwall with 100mm Insulation (Strong, Durable, Mould resistant Masonry Fire partition walls) - Insulated Twin Concrete Panel
Hybrid Specwall HB005 (Acoustic & fire rated wall panel systems for internal separating walls) - Lightweight Concrete Panel
Twin 75mm Specwall with 100mm Insulation (Fire Partition, Robust, High Impact Wall) - Insulated Twin Concrete Panel
Twin 75mm Specwall with 150mm Insulation (Fire Partition, Robust, High Impact Wall) - Insulated Twin Concrete Panel
Specwall Alterations Document
Specwall Door Installation Document
Specwall Material Safety Data Sheet
Specwall Mini Brochure