Product catalogue
Product catalogue
by Lorient
A comprehensive range of intumescent fire resistant and fire & smoke resistant air transfer grilles for doors, walls, ducts, floors and ceilings.
LVV40S Fire and Smoke Resistant Air Transfer Grille
LVH54 Intumescent Air Transfer Grille
LVN20 Intumescent Air Transfer Grille - Non-vision
LVN25S Intumescent Air Transfer Grille
LVV40 Intumescent Air Transfer Grille
LVN25 Air Transfer Grille
Intumescent Sealant
LVH44S Fire & Smoke Resistant Air Transfer Grille
Lorient Sealing Systems for Door Assemblies; An Introductory Guide
RJ008 letterplate FD30 fitting instructions
RJ008 letterplate FD60 fitting instructions
RJ007 FD30 fitting instruction