Product catalogue
Product catalogue
EasyGate Speedgates seamlessly blend both form and function, ensuring a smooth and secure flow of people through your premises. With customisable security levels and a broad range of aesthetic options, they elegantly integrate with any building design, providing an additional layer of security for a modern entrance experience.
EasyGate Superb Speed Gate
EasyGate SPT/ SPD Speed Gate
EasyGate SPT Outdoor - Half-height access control gates
EasyGate SPT Bike - Half-height access control gates
EasyGate SG/SR Speed Gate - Half-height access control gates
Meesons Cylindrical Portals Range Brochure
Meesons Classic Portals Range Brochure
Meesons Half Portals Range Brochure
Meesons Full Height Turnstile Range Brochure