Product catalogue
Product catalogue
Liquid roofing systems by Koster Waterproofing. Systems perfectly suited to small waterproofing areas such as balconies, terraces, garages, planters and flowerbeds, gutter lining and the refurbishment of metal roofs. A two coat crack bridging and UV resistant coating which is extremely user friendly and long lasting.
Buried Deck Waterproofing System to BS 8102 2022
Koster Warm Roof System with TPO Single Ply Roofing Membrane - Environmentally Friendly Roof Membrane
Liquid Roofing membrane - Koster MS Flex
Koster Waterproofing Systems Company Brochure
Koster Waterproofing Systems: Horizontal Barriers Against Rising Damp in Masonry
Aquatecnic Aquaproof Tanking System
Aquatecnic Wetroom Heating Systems