Product catalogue
Product catalogue
The unique and patented ALKORPLAN Solar profile system, makes it possible to attach solar panels and/or solar thermal onto single ply without the need of extra ballast or penetration to the roofing membrane. The advantages: minimal extra weight; no perforation of roofing membrane; fast, simple and safe installation; maintenance and repairs of solar panels made simple; it can be used on new build and replacement roofs. The product is independently wind tested up to 209km/hour. Ideal for use in combination with ALKORPLAN Bright. The product may be used as a lead roll aesthetic on ALKORPLAN roofs. It may also be used as a carrier to give an alternative finish to single ply such as cedar shingle or high pressure laminate.
Carrier and Solar Support System - RENOLIT ALKORPLAN Solar System - Carrier System And A Solar Support
RENOLIT ALKORPLAN L waterproofing membrane single ply Loose Laid & Ballasted System
RENOLIT ALKORPLAN 35121 Protection layer - Technical Datasheet
RENOLIT ALKORPLUS 81005 Protection and Seperation layer - Technical Datasheet