Product catalogue
Product catalogue
by Tobermore
We produce a range of high quality step products that offer the choice of various finishes, including smooth, textured and granite aggregate options, vibrant and subtle colours and a number of sizes. The beauty of our steps is that they can be used alongside paving flags with the same appearance to ensure continuity of style where required, or alternatively they can be used to create an attractive contrasting feature area. We also produce step flags with a delineation strip as a health and safety measure.
Step Risers | Concrete Step
Mayfair Step Slabs with Contrasting Nosing | Concrete Paving Slab
Mayfair Step Riser | Concrete Step
Featured project - Martello Park, Pembroke
Featured project - Theatre Gardens University of Nottingham
Introduction to Tobermore - Company History, USPs, Products, Services & Case Studies
Featured project - Hart Leisure Centre, Hampshire