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BauderINTENSIVE Green Roof System, Soft Landscaping

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

Bauder Ltd

Bauder's Intensive Landscape System. Options to combine Intensive soft and hard landscaping with the ability to construct path and roadways.

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Suitable for recreational and leisure purposes, intended for roofs that can withstand high live/ dead loadings.


Bauder Intensive Green Roof System, Soft Landscaping.

Accessible green roofs and gardens are used for recreational and leisure purposes. The intensive green roof landscape variations are practically limitless for design and use, as it is feasible to create an environment at roof level similar to that of any designed garden or parkland. Intended for roofs that can withstand high live/ dead loadings.

Plus points:

  • Provides valuable recreational space.
  • Vegetation selection is bespoke to the project.
  • Storm water management capacity.
  • Assists in maximizing the building's potential.
  • Vegetation can be chosen to fulfil BREEAM requirements.
  • System helps mitigate flooding.
  • Substrate meets FLL European Standards.

General information







Ss_45_40_47_40 Intensive green roof systemsPrimary


Q37/110 Intensive green roof

Product range

Landscaping Systems

Specification data - Intensive green roof systems



Protection layer

BauderGREEN FSM 600 Protection Mat.

Guidance for specification option:

Heavy duty protection layer made from polyester and polypropylene fibres. Laid on the BauderGREEN PE 02 separation and slip layer to protect the completed waterproofing from damage (not required for inverted roofs).

Normally installed under the entire green roof area but kept clear of all outlets and drainage trims. FSM mats should be lapped by 150 mm at all joints. Loose laid. Laps to be sealed by lightly heating overlap area with a propane gas torch/ hot air welding gun to melt the polypropylene fibres and then press seal the two fleece sheets together.

Sufficient protection fleece must be allowed for so that it may be installed to all abutment upstands and edge details, in accordance with the Bauder instructions. Extend to full height of the upstand and secure in place by using a lead or fabricated metal counter-flashing.

Should be trimmed well back from ALL outlets.

Openings in landscape restraint kerbs (where present –roof slopes above 5º), the protection layer should be cut away from the openings/ gaps to avoid impeding drainage.

  • Width: 2 m.
  • Length: 30 m.
  • Thickness: 4 mm.
  • Coverage: 60 m².
  • Weight (saturated): 3.6 kg/m².
  • Material: Polyester and polypropylene fibre mix.

BauderGREEN FSM 1100 Protection Mat.

Guidance for specification option:

Heavy duty protection layer made from polyester and polypropylene fibres. Laid on the BauderGREEN PE 02 separation and slip layer to protect the completed waterproofing from damage (not required for inverted roofs).

Normally installed under the entire green roof area but kept clear of all outlets and drainage trims. FSM mats should be lapped by 150 mm at all joints. Loose laid. Laps to be sealed by lightly heating overlap area with a propane gas torch/ hot air welding gun to melt the polypropylene fibres and then press seal the two fleece sheets together.

Sufficient protection fleece must be allowed for so that it may be installed to all abutment upstands and edge details, in accordance with the Bauder instructions. Extend to full height of the upstand and secure in place by using a lead or fabricated metal counter-flashing.

Should be trimmed well back from ALL outlets.

Openings in landscape restraint kerbs (where present –roof slopes above 5º), the protection layer should be cut away from the openings/ gaps to avoid impeding drainage.

  • Width: 2 m.
  • Length: 15 m.
  • Thickness: 8 mm.
  • Coverage: 30 m2.
  • Weight (saturated): 7.16 kg/m².
  • Material: Polyester and polypropylene fibre mix.

BauderGREEN GGM 6 rubber protection mat.

Guidance for specification option:

BauderGREEN GGM 6 rubber protection mat made from recycled shredded tyres. Laid on the completed waterproofing to protect the completed waterproofing from damage (not required for inverted roofs, not for use with PVC waterproof membranes/ Bauder Single Ply Thermofol PVC Roof system).

Normally installed under the entire green roof area but kept clear of all outlets and drainage trims.

Normally installed to provide access over waterproofing in heavily trafficked areas.

Pro-mat should be lapped by 150 mm at all joints. Loose laid. Where landscaping installation is not imminent, loose laps should be taped with gaffer tape to eliminate the trip hazard.

Sufficient protection fleece must be allowed for so that it may be installed to all abutment upstands and edge details, in accordance with the Bauder instructions. Extend to full height of the upstand and secure in place by using a lead or fabricated metal counter-flashing.

Should be trimmed well back from ALL outlets.

Openings in landscape restraint kerbs (where present –roof slopes above 5º), the protection layer should be cut away from the openings/ gaps to avoid impeding drainage.

  • Width: 1.25 m.
  • Length: 10 m.
  • Thickness: 6 mm.
  • Coverage: 12.5 m².
  • Weight (saturated/ dry): 4.3 kg/m².
  • Material: 100% recycled shredded rubber.

Separation layer

BauderGREEN PE 02 separation layer.

Guidance for specification option:

Separation layer and slip layer to be rolled out loose over the completed waterproofing layer in two layers for Intensive landscaping. This product is only required for roofs with a fall between 0–3º (A slip layer is not necessary or advisable for slopes above 3º).

All laps to be 150 mm with care being taken to ensure that roll sides join between layers. Upstands: Extend to top of growing medium. Sufficient foil must be allowed for to enable it to be taken up all upstand and edge details prior to installation of the protection layer.

  • Roll width: 4 m.
  • Roll length: 50 m.
  • Thickness: ca. 0.2 mm.
  • Weight (saturated): 0.19 kg/m².
  • Material: Polyethylene foil manufactured from recycled granules.

Manufacturer guidance

(Not required for inverted roofs).

Slip layer

BauderGREEN PE 02 slip layer.

Guidance for specification option:

0.2mm separation and slip layer, polyethylene foil. Loose laid on the completed waterproofing in two layers. (NB: Not required for inverted roofs or roofs over 3°).

Moisture control


Drainage layer

BauderGREEN DSE 40 drainage board.

Guidance for specification option:

PE-HD water storage and multi-directional drainage layer. Used on roofs 0–5° finished falls. Loose laid (open profile cup up) on to the Protection Layer (or WFRL on inverted roofs) over completed waterproofing to provide continuous drainage within hard and soft landscaping. It is primarily used where the load is moderate to high, such as extensive and intensive green roofs. Its compressive strength makes it suitable beneath paving laid on sand/ cement or gravel bedding or within planter beds.

Boards are to be interlocked by a minimum of one profile cup and all board joints staggered. The ‘X’ stamped impression on the highpoint of the cup moulding indicates where boards overlap. Cut to fit closely around penetrations and outlets.

  • Size: 1.04 x 2.03 m (2.1 m2).
  • Nominal wall thickness: 2 mm.
  • Depth: 40 mm.
  • Coverage: 2 m² (approximately).
  • Water storage: 13.5 L.
  • Filling capacity: 21 L.
  • Compressive strength: 80 kN/m2 empty/ >1000 kN/m2 aggregate filled.
  • Weight (saturated): 15.3 kg/m².
  • Material: 100% recycled high-density polyethylene.

The drainage/ water storage board also provides a suitable base surface for building concrete or brick kerbs/ walls. The specified infill haunching should be installed over the board to the required depth of cover, poured directly into the profile cup of the board. These should be constructed to provide an adequate support for the raised masonry planters.

BauderGREEN DSE 60 drainage board.

Guidance for specification option:

PE-HD water storage and multi-directional drainage layer. Used on roofs 0–5° finished falls. Loose laid (open cups down) on to the Protection Layer (or WFRL on inverted roofs) over completed waterproofing to provide continuous drainage within hard and soft landscaping.

Provides a pressure resistant stable base for high loads or support for roof mounted equipment without compression to the drainage capacity. If DSE60 is filled with Bauder Mineral Drain, it provides a robust temporary finish able to accept site traffic, including vehicles.

Boards are to be tightly overlapped at the edges and staggered. Cut to fit closely around penetrations and outlets.

  • Size: 0.975 x 1.975 m (1.93 m2).
  • Nominal wall thickness: 2 mm.
  • Depth: 60 mm.
  • Coverage: 1.9 m².
  • Water storage (when filled with Bauder Mineral Drain): 10–12 L.
  • Filling capacity: 33 L/m2.
  • Compressive strength: 100 kN/m2 empty/ >1000 kN/m2 filled.
  • Weight (saturated and filled with Bauder Mineral Drain): 51.9 kg/m².
  • Material: 100% recycled high-density polyethylene.

The drainage/ water storage board also provides a suitable base surface for building concrete or brick kerbs/ walls. The specified infill haunching should be installed over the board to the required depth of cover, poured directly into the cups of board. These could be constructed to separate landscaping types (soft/ hard) or to provide an adequate support for the raised masonry planters.

BauderGREEN WSP 50 reservoir board and BauderGREEN WSP 75 reservoir board.

Guidance for specification option:

Water storage and multi-directional drainage layer. Used on roofs 0–25° finished falls (the only suitable Drainage and Protection layers for slopes 6° upwards). Boards laid over the entire area to provide continuous drainage and increased water capacity for the vegetation.

Loose laid (open cups up) on to the Protection Layer (or WFRL on inverted roofs) over completed waterproofing ensuring that the rebated boards are properly interlocked to provide adequate anchorage prior to the soil being laid. The board cups can be filled with water to provide temporary loading against wind uplift prior to installing the remaining landscaping elements in accordance with the specification. In the event of any confusion concerning this item, Bauder Ltd should be contacted so that advice may be given.

Cut to fit closely around penetrations and outlets.

Roof slopes 6° upwards, a parapet wall or restraint kerb must be provided to support the water storage/ drainage board at the base of the slope. This should be included within the deck construction and reference made within the waterproofing specification also. This in turn will restrain and stabilize the landscaping against imposed shear load forces.

  • Size: 0.795 x 1.298 m (rebates).
  • Depth: 50 mm/ 75 mm.
  • Coverage: 1 m².
  • Water storage (when unfilled): 10 L/ 21.5 L.
  • Compressive strength: 25 kN/m2/ 35 kN/m2.
  • Weight (substrate filled and saturated): 10.65 kg/m²/ 22.5 kg/m2.
  • Material: Expanded polystyrene.

Filter membrane

BauderGREEN FV 125 filter fleece.

Guidance for specification option:

Fine mesh PP geotextile used in conjunction with Bauder substrates. BauderGREEN FV 125 filter fleece is designed to separate and contain Bauder substrates from the drainage element of the green roof system (for slopes 0–5°). It prevents fine material from being washed out of the substrate layer.

Loose laid over the drainage layer. The fleece should be taken up the sides of the substrate between the substrate and drainage trim or pebble margin. Fleece joints should be overlapped 150 mm. Fleece should not be taken over the top of drainage outlets.

Upstands (soft landscaping): Extend up, between vegetation barrier and growing medium and trim flush with finished surface level.

Upstands (Hard landscaping): Extend to top of perimeter abutments and trim flush just below finished surface level.

A filter layer is not used over reservoir board on slopes 6° or above, where the reservoir board is directly filled with substrate growing medium. However, a separate strip of BauderGREEN FV 125 filter fleece must still be used to separate the growing medium from the vegetation barrier at perimeter abutments and around pipe protrusions, outlet inspection chambers etc. dressed up all upstands and around all protrusions to at least flush with the finished surface level. At abutments the BauderGREEN FV 125 filter fleece must be used to separate the vegetation/ drainage barrier and substrate growing medium by extending it 500 mm beneath the reservoir board and then bringing it up between these two items.

  • Weight (saturated): 0.125 kg/m2.
  • Pore size: 0.13 mm.
  • Thickness: 1 mm.
  • Roll size: 1 x 100 m/ 2 x 100 m.
  • Coverage: 100m²/ 200 m2.
  • Water storage: None.
  • Material: Polypropylene fleece.

Planting systems


Planting medium

BauderGREEN SUB-IM UK intensive substrate.

Guidance for specification option:

Lightweight, free draining substrates designed as a growing medium for a range of different plant species. This FLL/ GRO compliant substrate provides a free draining, growing medium for intensive green roof systems. Additionally, it provides aeration qualities with some inherent water retention.

  • Material: Recycled crushed brick, expanded clay, shale, composted pine bark.
  • Maximum Weight (saturated): ≤1250 kg/m3.
  • Typical supply weight (damp): c. 1000 kg/m3.
  • Water storage (by volume): 35%.
  • pH value: 6–8.5.
  • Bulk bag size: 1.25 m3.
  • Small bag size: 25 L.

Normally installed above a Filter Fleece and drainage board product.

Roofs pitched 6° and above, apply the substrate growing medium directly into the open cup of the Reservoir board and then build up to the depth specified.

Substrates are raked out to give an even coverage of the required depth after settlement.

Handle in the driest condition possible. Do not handle or install when wet or frozen.

Start by applying two equal layers, building up to the required maximum depth.

Gently firm each layer before spreading the next. Allowance should be made for any settlement that may occur. It is recommended that ‘measuring stick’ markers of the required depth be used around the roof area to ensure that a minimum acceptable thickness of growing medium is achieved.

Depending on size and access of the project the ‘substrate’ can be supplied by various methods i.e. tipper, big bags, or sacks. Prior to costing this element of the installation, the ‘Bauder Approved Contractor’ must contact Bauder Ltd so that they may advise on the best solution on any specific contract.

When the substrate is to receive a turf or grass seed finish, an additional dressing of organic compost should be applied to the surface of the Intensive Substrate at the rate of 10 L/m², which is equivalent to a depth of 10 mm.

Important note regarding alternative substrates:

If alternative substrates are required (e.g. topsoil), Bauder does not take any responsibility for the performance of such substrates supplied from an alternative source. We recommend that alternative substrates should be covered by a technical data sheet and certified in writing as suitable to support the system and plants specified. Saturated weight loadings must be provided directly from the supplier of the substrate and should be the subject to a structural engineer’s approval.

Manufacturer guidance

Recycled crushed brick, expanded clay, shale, composted pine bark. Normal minimum depth for intensive soft landscaping – from ca. 200 mm. Depth to be confirmed by client/ landscape architect.

Planting requirements

Vegetation supplied by others.

Guidance for specification option:

To clients/ landscape architects’ requirements.


Bauder Total Green Roof System Roof Covering System.

Bauderflex Green Roof System.

Bauder LiquiTEC Cold Liquid Applied Roof System.

Bauder Bakor790-11 Hot Melt Rubberized Bitumen Roof Coating System.

Manufacturer guidance

To be fully specified separately.

Board fill layer

BauderGREEN SUB-MD UK mineral drain aggregate.

Guidance for specification option:

Lightweight, single size crushed limestone used in Bauder DSE60 Drainage and Protection Layer. This substrate provides an ecological drainage method for green roof systems. Additionally, it provides aeration qualities with some inherent water retention.

Normally installed directly into the drainage board to give an even coverage of the required depth. See Bauder's Green Roof Installation Guide for full details.

  • Bulk bag size: 1.25 m3.
  • Small bag size: 25 kg.
  • Water storage: 8–10% by volume.
  • pH Value: 7–9.
  • Weight (saturated): ≤1375 kg/m3.
  • Material: Single size crushed limestone.

Maximum Slope



BauderGREEN KS AE 50 chamber height adaptor.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Material: 1.5 mm aluminium.
  • Length: 250 mm.
  • Width: 250 mm.
  • Height: 50 mm.
  • Weight: 250 g.
  • Colour: Silver grey (RAL 9006).

BauderGREEN KS AE 100 chamber height adaptor.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Material: 1.5 mm aluminium.
  • Length: 250 mm.
  • Width: 250 mm.
  • Height: 100 mm.
  • Weight: 450 g.
  • Colour: Silver grey (RAL 9006).

BauderGREEN KS ALU 250 inspection chamber.

Guidance for specification option:

BauderGREEN KS ALU 250 inspection chamber is fabricated from a perforated aluminium sheet with an opening/ lockable lid and is used for intensive and extensive soft landscaping, as well as ballasted inverted roofs. Install centrally over rainwater outlets. A simple on-site modification allows the unit to be used over outlets that are located close to wall or kerb abutments.

The Inspection Chamber is suitable for landscaping depths of less than 100 mm. Where landscaping is deeper than 100 mm, the 50 mm or 100 mm height adaptors can be added as necessary to achieve the required height to be level with or slightly proud of the surrounding landscaping.

Surround: Using 20/ 40 mm grade washed pebbles; the inspection chamber must be surrounded by a 500 mm vegetation barrier to prevent unwanted growth obstructing the drainage system.

BauderGREEN KS ALU 250 inspection chamber:

  • Material: 1.5 mm aluminium (2 mm lid).
  • Length: 250 mm (chamber only).
  • Width: 250 mm (chamber only).
  • Height: 100 mm.
  • Weight: 950 g.
  • Colour: Silver grey (RAL 9006).

Retention Angle (supplied by others).

Guidance for specification option:

Used as landscaping retention (when Bauder Trims are not sufficient in height) – Roofs Sloped from 0 to 5° (inclusive).

Purpose designed aluminium or stainless-steel perimeter retention angles, used as landscaping retention, supplied and fabricated by others to the landscape architect’s requirements and incorporating drainage perforations where required

Cutting: Neat, accurate and without spalling.

Junctions: Cut with a hacksaw to form 90º corners – mitre cut fixing arm.

Position: True to line and level. Smooth continuous lines.

Fabrication: Obtained from a specialist metal fabricating company. The metal should be regularly perforated on the vertical face to allow drainage, with drainage holes being 3–5mm maximum diameter. The top leading edge should be folded fully or at a right angle by a minimum of 20 mm to eliminate the sharp edge.

Horizontal leg

  • Warm/ Cold roof system – To be 200 mm wide with 60 mm diameter holes positioned and cut centrally along the fixing arm at a rate of six per metre.
  • Inverted roof system – To be 200 mm wide. Only the vertical section needs to be perforated Height: To be as landscaping build-up.


  • Warm/ Cold roof system – The retention trims must be secured in place using the specified Bauder capping sheet/ waterproofing strips/ flashing pieces (1000 x 200 mm size), bonded to the surface of the horizontal leg and set at intervals of 400 mm between flashing pieces. The main capping sheet/ membrane/ waterproofing must be overlapped by a minimum of 100 mm.
  • Inverted roof system – The retention trims should be loose laid over the insulation and vapour permeable membrane layers. We recommend that he retention trim pieces should be fixed together to form a frame, either welded or mechanically connected for added stability of the frame. The horizontal leg must be retained and ballasted by the drainage/ water storage board and subsequent landscaping. Please note that these retention angles are not recommended for landscaping retention at open perimeter edges, as the trim will be loose laid (not fixed) and will not provide sufficient security.

Hard edge (minimum 300 mm width): The retention trims should be used in conjunction with the pebble vegetation barrier/ hard edge.

Precautionary note: when cutting metal, please ensure that appropriate tools and personal protection equipment are used.

Retention Angle (supplied by others) - used behind a waterproofed castellated retention batten and perimeters/ top of the slope.

Guidance for specification option:

Used behind a waterproofed castellated retention batten and perimeters/ top of the slope (when Bauder Trims are not sufficient in height).

Purpose designed aluminium or stainless-steel perimeter retention angles, used to contain landscaping or pebble ballast when interfacing soft or hard landscaping. These retention angles are to be supplied and fabricated by others to the landscape architect’s requirements and incorporating drainage perforations where required.

Cutting: Neat, accurate and without spalling.

Junctions: Cut with a hacksaw to form 90º corners – mitre cut fixing arm.

Position: True to line and level. Smooth continuous lines.

Fabrication: Obtained from a specialist metal fabricating company. The metal should be regularly perforated on the vertical face to allow drainage, with drainage holes being 3–5 mm maximum diameter. The top leading edge should be folded fully or at a right angle by a minimum of 20 mm to eliminate the sharp edge.

Horizontal leg: For the base of the slope, in conjunction with the castellated retention battens – To be 200 mm wide. Only the vertical section needs to be perforated.

For open perimeters/ top of the slope – To be 200 mm wide with 60 mm diameter holes positioned and cut centrally along the fixing arm at a rate of 6/linear metre.

Height: To be as landscaping build-up.

Installation: At the base of the slope, in conjunction with the castellated retention battens – The retention trims must be securely placed in front of the drainage gaps in the castellated retention kerb.

The angle should be installed loose over the specified protection layer.

At open perimeters/ top of the slope – The retention trims must be secured in place using the specified Bauder capping sheet/ Waterproofing strips/ flashing pieces (1000 x 200 mm size), bonded to the surface of the horizontal leg and set at intervals of 400 mm between flashing pieces. The main capping sheet/ membrane/ waterproofing must be overlapped by a minimum of 100 mm. Hard edge (minimum 300 mm width): The retention trims should be used in conjunction with the pebble vegetation barrier/ hard edge.

Precautionary note: when cutting metal, please ensure that appropriate tools and personal protection equipment are used.

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