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Fibo 850 100 mm 3.6 N Concrete Block Range

Verified by manufacturer 11 months ago

Lignacite Ltd

Fibo 850 lightweight concrete blocks are suitable for general-purpose walling applications.

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Fibo 850 is suitable for housing and building extension projects. They can also be used to construct walls in buildings where blockwork with a low self-weight has been specified (e.g., partition walls on floor slabs).

Typical locations include:

  • Inner and outer leaves of external cavity walls
  • Internal walls, including fire breaks
  • Below ground (7.3 N/mm² strength blocks should be used for walls exposed to the external ground).

Fibo 850 blocks have an open textured surface, which is ideal for applying plaster and render. Consult manufacturer for further finish recommendations.

For use in separating walls meeting the requirements of Part E of the Building Regulations, we recommend the use of products from the Ash GP and Ligancrete ranges.


Fibo 850 super lightweight concrete blocks are suitable for general-purpose walling applications. They provide a good base for plasters, renders and fixings, and the 100 mm option combines easy handling with great thermal efficiency values.

They are also Category 1 masonry units manufactured under a BSI-certified Quality Management System, which is BS EN 9001 compliant.

Manufactured to BS EN 771-3, they consist of expanded clay aggregates and a mixture of other naturally occurring raw materials and cement. The clay aggregate is produced from carefully selected clays, which are bloated through heat expansion to create a low density, porous aggregate with numerous cavities. This makes Fibo 850 incredibly light and thermally efficient.

Features and benefits:

  • Provides a high level of thermal insulation, reducing the amount of additional insulation required after installation.
  • Lightweight, easy to handle, and quick to lay.
  • Loadbearing.
  • Provides a high level of fire protection (Class A1).
  • For use internally and externally, above and below ground.
  • Provides a strong background for direct application of plasters and renders (no bonding agents required).
  • Fixings will be held securely by the block (and can be nailed in directly).
  • Certification to BES 6001 will allow credits to be gained under environment assessment schemes such as BREEAM.
  • CE marked to BS EN 771-3.
  • For 7.3 N/mm² compressive strength, see Fibo 950 blocks; consult manufacturer for details.

The mortar type for work above ground level should be designation (iii) / Compressive Class M4. Stronger mixes may be used only with the permission of the designer. Stronger mixes may also be required for work below ground in accordance with PD 6697. Consult manufacturer for details.

Movement joints should be considered in accordance with PD 6697 at approximately 6 m spacings. In areas of concentrated stress, such as those above and below openings, consideration should be given to the use of bed joint masonry reinforcement.

The design of walls should be in accordance with relevant design standards including BS 8103-2, BS EN 1996-1-1 and the requirements of the Building Regulations.

General information







Guidance for specification option:

(expanded clay aggregates and other naturally occurring raw materials and cement).




440 mm


100 mm


215 mm


Pr_20_93_52_01 Aggregate concrete blocksPrimary


E60/297 Proprietary infill blocks

F10/18 Concrete facing blockwork

F10/355 Concrete common blockwork

Product range

Fibo Super-Lightweight Block Range

Specification data - Aggregate concrete blocks


To BS EN 771-3.

Block description

Fine textured, loadbearing units for facing and general purpose applications.


Medium grey in colour with a fine textured surface.


Group 1.

Compressive strength


Mean value

3.6 N/mm².



Thermal conductivity

0.27 W/m·K at 3% moisture content (internal use).

Thermal resistance

0.37 m²K/W at 3% moisture content; 0.35 m²K/W at 5% moisture content.

Work sizes (length x width x height)

440 x 100 x 215 mm.

Tolerance category




Net dry density

850 kg/m³.

Reaction to fire

Class A1.

Moisture movement

0.6 mm/m.

Weighted sound reduction index, Rw

40–42 dB (dependent on application).

Guidance for specification option:

Plaster finish: 40 dB; plasterboard on dabs: 42 dB.

Fire resistance

Non-loadbearing wall (criteria E1): 3 hours; loadbearing wall (criteria RE1): 2 hours.

Guidance for specification option:

100 mm width.

Third-party certification

BSI Kitemark approved.

Unit weight

8.5 kg.

Guidance for specification option:

Laid weight including mortar: 96 kg/m².

Sustainability data

A1-A3 (production stage)

Normalised unit

0.4 kg CO₂ eq/kg

Declared unit

0.44 kg CO₂ eq/kg


Guidance for specification option:

Rounded down to two decimal places; manufacturer's value is 0.443 kg·CO2e/kg.

This figure is derived from the carbon value as per the EPD (35.5 kgCO2e) divided by the unit mass (80 kg/m²).



BIM objects


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Platform Compatible Version

Revit 2016






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Fibo 850/950 Super Lightweight Range

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