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Fission - Mineral Tile Suspended Ceiling System

Verified by manufacturer 10 days ago

Board edge infills

Zentia Variant:
Product certifications:
  • EPD


    Certificate type

Suspended ceiling system with lay-in mineral ceiling tiles with a fissured face pattern, particularly suitable for storage facilities and warehouses.

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Suspended ceiling system, particularly suitable for storage facilities and warehouses.


Suspended ceiling system with lay-in mineral ceiling tiles with a fissured face pattern, particularly suitable for storage facilities and warehouses.

Features and benefits:

  • Textured, perforated body.
  • Fine painted finish.
  • Choice of edge profile.
  • Choice of size.
  • Suitable for environments up to 70% relative humidity.
  • 15-year guarantee.
  • 30-year system guarantee.

General information






Mineral fibre











15 mm

Warranty description

15 year

Guidance for specification option:

Product guarantee.

30 year

Guidance for specification option:

System guarantee.


Ss_30_25_22_51 Modular suspended ceiling systemsPrimary


K40/10 Unit/ modular suspended ceilings

K40/105 Suspended ceiling system

K40/115 Unit/ modular suspended ceiling system

SKU Code

958M 952M 962M

Product range

Mineral tiles and planks

Specification data - Modular suspended ceiling systems

System performance

Guidance for specification option:

Insert requirements.

Ceiling support

Gridline 24 joggled/butt cut, Global White.

Guidance for specification option:

Gridline 24 Cross Tees are designed to work with Gridline 24, a 24 mm exposed grid system for suspended ceilings. These cross tees come with standard SureLock clip for secure connections to main runners, providing better alignment for easier ceiling installation and easy disconnection when access to the ceiling soffit is required.

Baked polyester paint finish.


Gridline 24 joggled/butt cut, Black.

Guidance for specification option:

Gridline 24 Cross Tees are designed to work with Gridline 24, a 24 mm exposed grid system for suspended ceilings. These cross tees come with standard SureLock clip for secure connections to main runners, providing better alignment for easier ceiling installation and easy disconnection when access to the ceiling soffit is required.

Baked polyester paint finish.


Support fasteners

Guidance for specification option:

Insert requirements to suit substrate.

Ceiling units

600 x 600 x 15 mm board edge mineral tiles in Global White (958M).
1200 x 600 x 15 mm board edge mineral tiles in Global White (952M).

Manufacturer guidance

  • Flat, square edges that fully expose a standard suspended ceiling grid.
  • 51% recycled content.

Barriers in ceiling void


Fire barriers

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer for options and insert requirements, or omit.

Acoustic barriers

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer for options and insert requirements, or omit.

Plenum barriers

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer for options and insert requirements, or omit.

System accessories

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer for options and insert requirements, or omit.


Infill units: 3.4 kg/m².

Reaction to fire

To EN 13501-1, infill units: Euroclass A2-s1, d0; support grid: Euroclass A1.

Sound attenuation

Infill units: Dnfw = 34 dB.

Guidance for specification option:

Acoustic attenuation (weighted suspended ceiling normalized level difference).

Manufacturer guidance

Dnfw rating derived from laboratory measurement of room-to-room airborne sound insulation of suspended ceiling with plenum above. Rating determined in accordance with EN ISO 717-1 from measurements made in accordance with EN IS0 10848-2 over the third-octave band frequency range 100–3150 Hz.

Sound absorption

Infill units: αw = 0.55(H); Class D.

Manufacturer guidance

Weighted sound absorption coefficient (alpha w). Rating for random incidence sound absorption determined in accordance with EN ISO 11654. Measured values obtained in accordance with EN ISO 20354 are converted into octave bands, plotted on a graph and compared to a standard reference curve until a 'best fit' is obtained. The derived αw will vary between 0.00 and 1.00.

Noise reduction coefficient

Infill units: 0.55.

Formaldehyde emissions

Infill units, to EN 13964: E1.

Colour (Light reflectance value (LRV)

Infill units: 82%.


Infill units: 70%.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin


Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom


Mineral fibre

A1-A3 (production stage)

Normalised unit

Declared unit

4.71 kg CO₂ eq/m²




Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

51 %

Guidance for specification option:

Infill units only.

Product certifications


BIM objects


NBS BIM Object Standard

This BIM object has been authored to meet the requirements of the NBS BIM Object Standard.

Find out more about the NBS BIM Object Standard.

Platform Compatible Version




Product certifications



Fission Environmental Product Declaration Suspended Grid System EPD Number 000624


Gridline 24 – Product Data Sheet

Gridline 24 – Product Data Sheet

Fission – Product Data Sheet

Fission – Product Data Sheet

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