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Lexicomm EVCS Weatherproof IP66 rated Type B Refuge Outstation - Type B Outstation

Verified by manufacturer 4 months ago

Vox Ignis Limited

Type B refuge outstation in robust weatherproof IP66 enclosure.

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An EVCS is a fixed, secure, bi-directional, full duplex voice communication system to assist fire fighters during emergencies in high rise buildings or large sites where radio communication cannot be guaranteed to work due to interference from the fire plasma. BS 5839-9:2021 covers the design, installation and operation of fire telephones and disabled refuge systems in buildings, and where both systems are fitted to a building, the standard specifies these should form a single system. The ViLX-IPB2 contains a green Type B outstation for use in outdoor or exposed areas and is compatible with the Lexicomm standalone and Lexicomm Network EVCS systems. The outstation is supplied within a compact IP66 enclosure which is externally signed as required by Building Regulations Approved Document B. The enclosure is opened by operation of a lever lock, exposing the handsfree unit and operating instructions.


Type B refuge outstation is primarily used to allow the orderly evacuation of people requiring assistance. Refuges are not just for wheelchair users, but for all people who may slow the egress of evacuees, and typically refers to those who cannot walk 200 metre without stopping or aid.

Features and benefits:

  • Hands free full duplex operation
  • Surface mount IP66 Enclosure
  • Fully Monitored to BS 5839-9:2021
  • Braille enhanced Call Button
  • Standards compliant signage integrated in design
  • Outstation included as standard

General information





Guidance for specification option:

RAL 7035.






80 mm


200 mm


200 mm

Warranty description

18 months


Pr_75_75_94_23 Disabled refuge outstationsPrimary

SKU Code


Product range

Lexicomm Outstations

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom



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