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Occam® Brick Slip Cladding System - Rainscreen Cladding

Verified by manufacturer 6 days ago

Proteus Facades Product certifications:
  • UL Certified

    UL Certified

    Certificate type

  • BS EN 13501-1

    BS EN 13501-1

    Certificate type

A lightweight mechanically fixed brick slip cladding system.

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+44 (0)151 5455075 Website


The Occam Brick Cladding Systems have been designed for use as protective/ decorative cladding, installed vertically or horizontally and including soffit units, over masonry, concrete, steel frame and timber frame external walls in new or existing domestic and non-domestic buildings.


Occam offers design flexibility across traditional brick slips and contemporary clay tiles. The Occam® Brick Slip Cladding System is a mechanically fixed rainscreen system that accommodates bricks from virtually any manufacturer. Occam combines aesthetic versatility with robust performance.

Features and benefits:

  • A1 non-combustible systems.
  • Bricks from the world's largest manufacturers.
  • Compliant with CWCT standards.
  • UL 3rd party product certification.
  • Mechanically fixed brick.
  • Flat-backed carrier system.

Occam Brick Slips are available in a wide range of finishes including handmade, stock, waterstruck, wirecut and glazed. Bricks of tolerance and range group T2-R1 or better are to be used as per BS EN 771-1.

The Occam system has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its compliance with the latest building regulations.

The Occam Brick Cladding Systems have a UL Mark product certification, which is a scheme recognised by NHBC and other leading warranty providers. UL Solutions is a global service provider that offers testing and product certification for a wide range of sectors including building envelopes and facade performance.

A1 fire rated

Non-combustible, mechanically fixed and classified A1 in accordance with EN 13501-1.

Hygrothermal behaviour

Cyclic environmental testing has been undertaken in accordance with EAD 090062-01-0404.

Freeze-thaw resistance

Freeze-thaw cyclic loading has been undertaken in accordance with EAD 090062-01-0404.

Water tightness

Water penetration resistance testing has been undertaken in accordance with CWCT test sequence B.

Wind resistance

A serviceability load of 2.4 kN/m² and safety load of 3.6 kN/m² were successfully applied in accordance with CWCT test sequence B.

Impact performance

Achieves up to Class 2 negligible risk for impact performance in accordance with CWCT TN75 and TN76.

Third-party certification

UL Mark is a product certification scheme recognised by NHBC and other leading warranty providers.

Standards/ certifications:

  • CWCT.
  • Hygrothermal testing.
  • EN 13501.
  • ISO 9001.
  • ISO 14001.
  • ISO 45001.

General information







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Stainless steel





215 mm

Guidance for specification option:

Occam Brick Cladding Systems offer bricks to suit the standard UK brick format of 215 x 65 x 102.5 mm.


102.5 mm


65 mm


Ss_25_20_70_25 Drained and back-ventilated rainscreen cladding systemsPrimary


H92/120 Rainscreen cladding

Specification data - Drained and back-ventilated rainscreen cladding systems


Mechanically fixed brick slip cladding system.

System performance

Rainscreen cladding system design.

System manufacturer

Proteus Facades.

Thermal insulation


Manufacturer guidance

A1 non-combustible, to suit u-value requirements.

Insulation is to be supplied by others and will be project-specific. When insulation is purchased, the installation manufacturer's guidance is to be followed and guidance can be sought from the Proteus Facades where appropriate.

Insert requirements.

Breather membrane




Manufacturer guidance

Supplied by others; insert requirements or omit.



Manufacturer guidance

Supplied by others; insert requirements or omit.

Secondary support structure

Occam® aluminium support frame.

Guidance for specification option:

Occam® helping hand brackets and rails: Extruded aluminium rail and purpose made high grade aluminium rail support brackets to suit loads and cladding depth.

Cavity fire barriers



Horizontal cavity barriers by others.

Guidance for specification option:

As specified by a fire engineer.


Vertical cavity barriers by others.

Guidance for specification option:

As specified by a fire engineer.

Cladding panels



Occam® Brick Slip on Occam® Carrier.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Minimum brick tolerance and range group T2-R1 as per BS EN 771-1.
  • Thickness (brick slips): Nominal 27 mm.

Panel joints

10 mm nominal joint.


Continuous closer panels at openings.

Guidance for specification option:

Where reveals are less than 175 mm deep. Contact manufacturer for further information.

System accessories

Not required.
Louvred doors.
Secret doors.
Perforated screens.
Mesh screens.

Manufacturer guidance

Consult manufacturer.

Reaction to fire

To EN 13501-1, Class A1.

Guidance for specification option:

External surfaces and internal (cavity) surfaces.

Verification of fire performance: Occam® test report by WarringtonFire.


Stainless steel.

Sustainability data


Stainless steel

Product certifications

UL Certified

UL Certified

UL 3rd Party Certification

BS EN 13501-1

BS EN 13501-1

Reaction to fire classification report


Occam Brick Cladding System

Occam Brick Cladding System

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