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Passivent Hybrid Plus Airstract Roof Ventilation Terminal

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BPD Building Product Design Ltd

A range of roof mounted natural ventilation terminals with an innovative air tempering and mixing unit.

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Used for a range of ventilation applications, particularly on upper floors of buildings where direct perimeter ventilation is limited or undesirable.

Also suitable for large open buildings such as sports halls and auditoriums and can also be used for secure and weatherproof night cooling.


Passivent Hybrid Plus Airstract® Terminals are a unique and patented system of ventilation provision or extraction with three modes of use depending on the needs of the building and outside conditions.


It comprises two main elements: the structural sub base unit which houses the insulated and modulating dampers, mixing chamber and low energy use fan and the terminal above which fully utilises Airstract® technology.

Features and benefits:

  • Different operating modes can be programmed to allow the most efficient option to be used when required.
  • During low external temperature events recirculation mode mixes incoming fresh air with interior warm air to provide tempered fresh air to the space.
  • In peak summer conditions, to avoid overheating, enhanced mode allows for high levels of air movement.
  • In natural mode the terminal acts as a conventional passive stack to maintain indoor air quality and temperatures.
  • Unique design does not require a vertical internal divider and therefore performance is independent of wind direction.
  • Single low-power fan uses minimal energy only when required during peak summer and low winter temperatures.
  • High-level inlets in summer allow the system to operate a night-cooling strategy, using cooler night time air to reduce the temperature of the building’s thermal mass.
  • The unique terminal design does not require a vertical internal divider and therefore the flow performance is independent of wind direction. This ensures the system flow performance does not stall with changing wind directions.
  • Controlled through an intelligent Passivent iC8000 Control System. iC8000 ensures the system operates in the correct mode according to factors such as CO2 concentrations, internal and external temperatures.
  • Based primarily on natural ventilation strategy so does not require large and costly mechanical plant.
  • Actuator to modulate duct position for different ventilation modes.
  • Unique patented double-bank louvre arrangement including 4 mm insect mesh combines maximum rain rejection with good airflow performance. Achieves 100% rain rejection, Class A effectiveness to BS EN 13030: 2001. Resistant to wind loads up to 51 m/s.
  • Base unit constructed from marine grade plywood from renewable forests.
  •  Free Area: 1250 x 1250 mm = 0.561 m².
  • Flow Rate: 420 litres per second (l/s).

No Leak Guarantee

15 Year No Leak Guarantee offered subject to T & Cs


The Airscoop roof terminal is available for modelling in the IES Virtual Environment

General information



Manufacturer guidance

A range of RAL and BS colours available.




Manufacturer guidance

Polymer finish


Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)






1250 mm

Manufacturer guidance

Square terminal base 1250 x 1250mm


1250 mm

Manufacturer guidance

Square terminal base 1250 x 1250mm


1391 mm

Manufacturer guidance

Standard height 1391mm on a 0 degree roof


Ss_65_40_33_56 Natural ventilation systemsPrimary


J31/60 Roof ventilators

J31/360 Roof ventilators

Specification data - Natural ventilation systems

System performance

Natural ventilation design.

Ventilation inlet openings

Dampers and louvres.


Damper actuators.

Supply points

Air grilles.

Exhaust path

Pre-insulated ductwork and fittings.

Ventilation outlet openings

Roof stack air terminals.


Natural ventilation control systems.

Ventilation opening control



Installing natural ventilation systems.

System completion

Commissioning of air distribution systems.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom


Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)

BIM objects

Platform Compatible Version



Passivent Literature - Roof Ventilation Terminals

Passivent Literature - Roof Ventilation Terminals

Passivent Specification Document - Hybrid Airstract Roof Terminal

Passivent Specification Document - Hybrid Airstract Roof Terminal

Passivent Literature - Roof Ventilation Terminals for Sports Halls

Passivent Literature - Roof Ventilation Terminals for Sports Halls

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