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Rainwater Recycling System

Verified by manufacturer 6 months ago

Aquacell Ltd

A rainwater recycling system to treat rainwater captured on site.

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The Aquacell RX Series can be incorporated into residential apartment buildings, commercial office towers and more.

The Aquacell RX rainwater system provides on site rainwater recycling. The final recycled water can then be used for toilet flushing, cooling towers and irrigation throughout the building.


Aquacell's rainwater systems are designed to harness the water that falls on roofs. Because the water is collected before it hits the ground it is generally cleaner than stormwater. However, the rainwater systems still incorporate a treatment process.

Features and benefits:

  • Treatment before re-use requires expertise. Aquacell has almost 20 years of industry experience.
  • Recycled water from Aquacell systems will always be fit for purpose – ensuring water is not wasted and your health is safeguarded.

General information













Warranty description



Ss_55_70_97_70 Rainwater reclamation systemsPrimary


S90/160 Rainwater/ grey water recycling system

S17/120 Rainwater reclamation system

Specification data - Rainwater reclamation systems

System performance


Manufacturer guidance

Insert design requirements, including proposed usage and storage capacity.

Rainwater collection system

Internal gravity rainwater drainage system (supplied by others).

Mains water supply pipelines

Supplied by others.

Mains water top-up cistern

Supplied by others.

Manufacturer guidance

Critical alarms will shut down the system and switch over to mains water backup to ensure continuity of supply when required.

The mains water top-up cistern material is subject to project specifications. Consult manufacturer for details.

Backflow prevention

Supplied by others.

Collection tank

Collection tank/ cistern and buffer tank.

Manufacturer guidance

The system includes a first flush diversion mechanism prior to rainwater entering the collection tank/ cistern, to ensure quality of collected rainwater.

The tank material is subject to project specifications. Consult manufacturer for details.


Supplied by others.

Manufacturer guidance

The cistern material is subject to project specifications. Consult manufacturer for details.


Submersible pumps.

Manufacturer guidance

Untreated rainwater will gravitate along the dedicated collection network to a collection tank. From here, it will be pumped on demand into a buffer tank.

Pumps within the buffer tank will transfer rainwater to the Aquacell treatment system located in the basement of the building.


Recycled water meter.

Distribution pipelines

Supplied by others.

Water treatment



50 μm automatically backwashing disc filter.
Granular activated carbon (GAC) filter.
5 μm bag filter.

Disinfection method

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation system to US EPA standards with UVT monitoring.

Manufacturer guidance

Alarms in the UV system (lamp needing clean, lamp deterioration, lamp end of life, reduced UV transmissivity) are detected by the photo intensity monitor, which transmits information to the remote monitoring system. This ensures appropriate UV dose at all times.  

Plant and equipment identification

Pipework: Colour-coded and labelled to BS 1710.
Recycled water meter and tap handles: Coloured and/ or appropriately labelled.

Manufacturer guidance

  • Signs indicating the use of recycled (non-potable) water are mandatory.
  • Pipes will be colour coded in accordance with local Plumbing Codes.
  • Appropriate safety signs near the location of the treatment system are mandatory.
  • All recycled water taps should have a warning sign – “Not for Drinking”. 


Motor control centre and programmable automation controller.

Manufacturer guidance

A touch screen on the face of the panel provides a visible display of plant status, motor manual/off/auto, critical control point status. The plant operates via the touchscreen interface without remote operation in the event of communications failure.

System completion

Testing and setting to work: Commissioning of the plant to CIBSE standards. Performance testing of the plant via laboratory analysis in accordance with issued approval.
Documentation: Operation and maintenance manual.
Servicing and maintenance: Undertake for 12 months after completion.

Manufacturer guidance

The operation and maintenance manual includes as a minimum:

  • Operator responsibilities and duties.
  • Records system.
  • Sampling and testing.
  • Workplace health and safety.
  • Utilities details.
  • Electrical systems.
  • Process description, operation and control.
  • Residuals management.
  • Maintenance - service visits, frequency and tasks.
  • Phone assistance and support.


To BS EN 16941-1:2024, BS 12056-2:2000 and BS 8558:2015.


Remote monitoring and data acquisition system.

Guidance for specification option:

The plant monitors the following parameters and uses controls to ensure reliable and safe recycled water supply is available at all times:

  • Buffer tank levels via analogue level sensors.
  • Recycled water storage tank level via analogue sensors.
  • High-level alarms.
  • Flow.
  • Level sensors.
  • Pumps on/off.
  • Filtration.
  • UV reactor on/off, lamp alarms, UVI and UVT.

Manufacturer guidance

To monitor all process variables and critical control points. Includes ethernet-based human interface with real-time remote operation and control via web-connected PC, trending and alarming function systems via email. 


304 stainless steel skids.


Treated water storage tank.

Manufacturer guidance

The tank material is subject to project specifications. Consult manufacturer for details.


Vent to stack (supplied by others).

Odour control mechanical ventilation (supplied by others).

Sustainability data

