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SmokeStop evacU8® - Vertical Active Smoke Curtain - Vertical Fire Curtain

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

Coopers Fire Ltd Product certifications:
  • IFCC


    Certificate type

A WALKTHRU™ smoke barrier with the Total Gravity Fail Safe (TGFS) system.

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Suitable for use in atria, lobbies and receptions, opening in walls, egress and corridor separations, boundary protection, compartmentation, stairs and escalators, lifts and lift lobbies and protected means of escape.


A patented bi-roller system which has interweaving, overlapped panels as narrow as 600 mm wide. Each panel overlaps the other and has its own self levelling bottom ballast system. Evacuees can simply ‘WALKTHRU™’ the panels which then fall back into place, helped by the patented anti-tangle overlap retention system.

Complies with the Equality Act. It is an active smoke barrier comprising technologically advanced fire-resistant fabric barriers encased in a compact steel housing. Barriers remain invisibly retracted until activated by an alarm or detector signal, at which time they descend safely to their fire operational position.

To be compliant, smoke barriers must be protected from a short circuit and or total power failure, this is achieved with the patented Total Gravity Fail Safe (TGFS) system. Smoke barriers will control the spread of smoke in a building and protect the means of escape and create tenable conditions.


When activated, the smoke barrier descends at safe controlled speeds in accordance with the Machinery Directive. Evacuees can then approach the barrier quickly, safely and see if anyone is coming the other way.

Approved escape signs can show which panels to pass through to avoid collision and tangling. When retracting, the combination of sequential ascent, the re-aligning panel system with the divide and separating bi-roller system ensures a trouble free operation.

Bottom edge:

The flexible bottom edge of each barrier panel nominally weighs between 2–4 kg depending on overall unit width. The bottom ballast weights should be kept as low as possible to finished floor level to enable easy egress. The bottom ballast weights are sufficient enough to return the panels to their operational position within 5 seconds of an evacuee passing through.


Encloses the curtain and barrel assembly, manufactured from 1.5 mm galvanized steel.

Barrel assembly:

Patented steel bi-rollers.

Motor drive unit:

Inboard 24 V d.c. motor including necessary drive mechanisms, a mechanical epicyclic gearbox retarder, automatic overload protection and both automatic and manual distance travel positioning, switches all linked to an internal 24 V d.c. electromagnetic brake with regenerative braking system.

Fail-safe release device:

  • The barrier assemblies fail-safe by gravity, using patented true Total Gravity Fail Safe (TGFS), and ‘drive up’ with mains power available. In the event of mains power failure, they remain retracted using their own dedicated battery backup power supply for a pre-determined period (nominally 30 minutes). If signalled to descend during this period they fail-safe by gravity in a controlled manner to their fire operational position. At the end of the pre-determined time delay they fail-safe by gravity in a controlled manner. This safety feature avoids dangerous guillotine/ free-fall deployment.
  • The barrier assemblies commence movement upon initiation or any initiation, power or system failure and move to the fire operational position, in all operating modes, at site specific adjustable and synchronized velocities within the range of 0.06–0.30 m/s using the unique VarioSpeed™ function.

Split deployment:

As the barrier assemblies may cross potential escape routes, a split deployment function is available to encourage safe evacuation psychology. Upon receipt of a fire alarm or through loss of power, the barrier assemblies drop to a set height above the finish floor level for a predetermined period of time. After this time has been completed, half of the curtain panels will deploy to their deployed position whilst the other half remain retracted for a second predetermined period of time. After this time the remaining barrier panels deploy to their final fire operational position. This process assists in a calmer evacuation procedure.

Fire resistance:

150 minutes (2½ hours) integrity at 600°C (1112°F).

Power supply:

230 V a.c. 50 Hz dedicated supply via 13 A un-switched fused spur. Backup battery: Two 12 V, 7 A/h lead acid batteries.

Alarm signal:

Normally closed volt-free contacts, open on activation.


Power on, alarm active and alarm off.


CE marked to BS EN 12101-1:2005+A1:2006 as required by the Construction Products Regulations (CPR).

General information





Zinc plated




Guidance for specification option:

  • Flexible metallic fabric.
  • The fabric material shall be tested as part of the complete assembly complete with overlapping barrier panels in the orientation and standard use of the application and installed in accordance with the fire resistance test in BS EN 1363-1, as required by BS EN 12101-1:2005+A1:2006.
  • The fabric material (part of the original test specimen) shall be tested for permeability to BS EN 1634-3 with a rate < 25 m³/h/m² at ambient temperature at 25 Pa.
  • The fabric material shall be tested independently to reaction to fire tests in accordance with BS EN ISO 1716 and BS EN 13823 to achieve an A2-s1, d0 classification in accordance with BS EN 13501-1+A1 in accordance with A11 of Approved Document B (Volumes 1 and 2) 2006 Edition 'Fire Safety' to England and Wales Building Regulations 2000.
  • The fabric material shall be tested independently for fire propagation to BS 476-6+A1, and for surface spread of flame to BS 476-7 to achieve National Class 0 in accordance with A13(b) of Approved Document B (Volumes 1 & 2) 2006 Edition 'Fire Safety' to England and Wales Building Regulations 2000.
  • Fabric type is EFP™ 2/A2 a glass fibre fabric coated with a micronized aluminium filled fire retardant polyurethane 455 g/m² -5% +10%.





Manufacturer guidance

Power supply size





Warranty description

One year


Pr_25_80_79_94 Vertical active fire curtain barriersPrimary


L20/610 Roller shutters/ curtains

SKU Code


Specification data - Vertical active fire curtain barriers


BS EN 12101-1+A1, BS EN 1363-1, BS EN 1634-3, BS EN 13501-4, BS EN ISO 1716, BS EN 13501-1, BS 476-6+A1, BS 476-7.

Barrier assemblies

To BS EN 12101.

Test standards

To BS EN 12101-1+A1, BS EN 1363-1, BS EN 1634-3, BS EN 13501-4, BS EN ISO 1716, BS EN 13501-1, BS 476-6+A1, BS 476-7.

Third-party certification



400 x 500 x 210 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Power supply size (w x h x d).

Manufacturer guidance

Insert requirement, available in unlimited widths (600 mm minimum) and drops up to 6.7 m.



Pressure and impact


Durability class


Smoke containment

To BS EN 12101.

Fire resistance

150 minutes (2½ hours) integrity at 600°C (1112°F).

Reaction to fire

To BS EN 13501-4, up 150 minutes.

Barrier units





Beam protection and obstruction warning.
Mechanical override.
Split drop delay.

Guidance for specification option:

Partially deploys to pre-determined level to permit escape and initial smoke containment.

Translucent fabric.
Visual alert system.

Guidance for specification option:

Light warning system when mains or emergency power is available.

Voice warning.

Guidance for specification option:

Audio or spoken multi message facility when mains or emergency power is available.


D600A, A1.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom



Guidance for specification option:

  • Flexible metallic fabric.
  • The fabric material shall be tested as part of the complete assembly complete with overlapping barrier panels in the orientation and standard use of the application and installed in accordance with the fire resistance test in BS EN 1363-1, as required by BS EN 12101-1:2005+A1:2006.
  • The fabric material (part of the original test specimen) shall be tested for permeability to BS EN 1634-3 with a rate < 25 m³/h/m² at ambient temperature at 25 Pa.
  • The fabric material shall be tested independently to reaction to fire tests in accordance with BS EN ISO 1716 and BS EN 13823 to achieve an A2-s1, d0 classification in accordance with BS EN 13501-1+A1 in accordance with A11 of Approved Document B (Volumes 1 and 2) 2006 Edition 'Fire Safety' to England and Wales Building Regulations 2000.
  • The fabric material shall be tested independently for fire propagation to BS 476-6+A1, and for surface spread of flame to BS 476-7 to achieve National Class 0 in accordance with A13(b) of Approved Document B (Volumes 1 & 2) 2006 Edition 'Fire Safety' to England and Wales Building Regulations 2000.
  • Fabric type is EFP™ 2/A2 a glass fibre fabric coated with a micronized aluminium filled fire retardant polyurethane 455 g/m² -5% +10%.


Coopers Fire offer a take back service where product is broken down into component parts.
Metal = recycled
Fabric = recycled
WEEE = disposed through correct channels

Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

0 %

BIM objects

Platform Compatible Version


Product certifications





SmokeStop™ evacU8® Active “WALKTHRU™” Smoke Curtain Barrier

SmokeStop™ evacU8® Active “WALKTHRU™” Smoke Curtain Barrier

CPD materials

Active Fire Curtain Barriers

Active Fire Curtain Barriers

Fire Curtain Compliance: Technical Standards and System Excellence

Fire Curtain Compliance: Technical Standards and System Excellence

Case studies

York Minster Smoke Curtain Barriers

York Minster Smoke Curtain Barriers

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