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Urban Tree Soil

Verified by manufacturer 21 days ago

Boughton Loam

Urban tree soil for tree planting in hard landscape situations.

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+44 (0)1536 510515 Website


For use as a tree planting soil in hard landscaping applications. Typical uses are concrete tree pits, roof tops, green zoning, central islands etc.


Composed of a moist friable, slightly calcareous sand with a single grain structure, it falls into a sand texture classification. Urban Tree Soil is a medium sand with suitable levels of porosity that can be maintained, and the risk of compaction is minimized. It has good water holding characteristics and exceeds the minimum requirements for the Californian Bearing Ratio.

Urban Tree Soil should be installed at depths no greater than 600 mm, greater depths should be built up with Boughton Loam's subsoil products.

Urban tree soil is suitable for tree planting in hard landscape environments. Boughton Loam can provide additional advice if needed on how best to specific and install this soil.

Features and benefits:

  • Offers better drainage and heightened stability alongside improved access of oxygen and water to the tree’s root system.
  • Also known as Amsterdam tree soil.
  • Particle size distribution (80:20 mix):
  • Clay (<0.002 mm): 4%.
  • Silt (0.0020.063 mm): 1%.
  • Very fine sand (0.050.15 mm): 4%.
  • Fine sand (0.150.25 mm): 20%.
  • Medium sand (0.250.5 mm): 59%.
  • Coarse sand (0.501.0 mm): 12%.
  • Very coarse sand (1.02.0 mm): 0%.
  • Texture class (UK classification): S.
  • Chemical:
  • pH value (1:2.5 water extract): 7.8.
  • Electrical conductivity (1:2.5 water extract): 730 uS/cm.
  • Electrical conductivity (1:2 CaSO4 extract): 3114 uS/cm.
  • Exchangeable sodium percentage: 2.9%.
  • Organic matter (LOI): 2.8%.
  • Total nitrogen (Dumas): 0.09%.
  • C:N ratio: 18.
  • Extractable phosphorus: 38 mg/L.
  • Extractable potassium: 1025 mg/L.
  • Extractable magnesium: 58 mg/L.

Typical analysis; a full analysis is available on request

General information






Pr_45_31_89_50 Manufactured growing mediaPrimary
Pr_45_31_89_41 Imported growing media


Q28/330 Imported manufactured topsoil/ growing medium

Specification data - Manufactured growing media

General requirements

Topsoil, growing medium, subsoil and preparation materials generally


Boughton Loam.


Manufacturer's standard.

Soil textural class



Sandy loam.

Chemical analysis


pH (range)


Sustainability data

Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom

Manufacturing plant location



Guidance for specification option:

A naturally formed product and can be reused as needed, without going to landfill.

Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

100 %

Expected Life



Boughton Landscape Product Brochure

Boughton Landscape Product Brochure

Urban Tree Soil Spec Sheet

Urban Tree Soil Spec Sheet