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weberfloor industrial system

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

Saint-Gobain Weber Product certifications:
  • EPD


    Certificate type

  • ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management

    Certificate type

  • ISO 9001 Quality Management

    Certificate type

Durable industrial flooring system with a high-precision finish designed to be left uncovered as a wearing surface or coated with a sealer.

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weberfloor industrial system is a durable, high precision system ideal for use in industrial scenarios such as warehouses and factories.

The high wear resistance of the surface and fast curing times allow for forklift traffic in as little 24hrs. Can also be used in commercial and residential applications where an industrial aesthetic is required. Can be sealed if desired.

This system should be applied fully bonded, with the optional addition of a base coat where weak substrates first need to be made good.

Features and benefits:

  • Suitable for concrete, cementitious or anhydrite substrates
  • Foot traffic after 2 hours
  • Light industrial traffic after 24 hours
  • Full industrial traffic after 1 week
  • Super flat and smooth finish minimises wear and enables high storing shelves
  • Very high durability towards mechanical stress - long lifetime
  • Pump or hand applied
  • Compatible with weberfloor 4716 acrylic primer
  • Suitable for use with weberfloor DPM

General information










Ss_30_42_15_15 Cementitious wearing screed systemsPrimary


M10/22 Proprietary levelling/wearing screeds

M10/220 Proprietary levelling/wearing screeds

M10/192 Proprietary self smoothing wearing screeds

M13/20 Proprietary self-smoothing levelling screeds

M13/120 Proprietary self smoothing levelling screeds

M10/160 Proprietary self smoothing levelling screeds

Product range

Flooring solutions / Industrial solutions

Specification data - Cementitious wearing screed systems


Preparation of substrate.

Bonding coat

Cementitious bonding compounds.

Guidance for specification option:

weberfloor base rapid 4360.

  • Rapid drying self-smoothing thick base screed.
  • Pump or hand applied, self-smoothing, thick base or renovation screed for floors with Low Dust TechnologyTM, which gives a extra strong base layer for receiving tiles, thin topping screeds or industrial screeds. The product is formulated from special cements, aggregates and chemical admixtures.


Self-smoothing wearing screed mixes.

Guidance for specification option:

weberfloor industry pro top 4610.

  • Premium self-smoothing industry top screed.
  • Pump or hand applied, self-smoothing, very hard wearing screed, with Low Dust Technology™, which can level industrial substrates and is ideal as a final finished layer. The product is formulated from special cements, aggregates and chemical admixtures.

Surface treatment

Not required.
Epoxy resin coatings.
Polyurethane coatings.

System accessories

Not required.
weberfloor DPM.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Optional moisture control system.
  • Two-component epoxy based chemical damp proof membrane that is capable of being applied in one coat, dependent upon the condition of the substrate and quality of workmanship to ensure full coverage is achieved at the required thickness.


Styrene acrylate primer.

Guidance for specification option:

weberfloor 4716.

  • Designed for priming (pre-treating) all substrates prior to application of weberfloor products.
  • weberfloor 4716 should be diluted with clean water.

Epoxy primer.

Cure time

Two hours (foot traffic); 24 hours (light industrial traffic); one week (full industrial traffic).

Slip resistance

65 PVT (dry); 40 PVT (wet); 16 PVT (oil).

Manufacturer guidance

weberfloor industry pro top 4610.

Compressive strength (minimum)


Manufacturer guidance

weberfloor industry pro top 4610.

Flexural strength


Manufacturer guidance

weberfloor industry pro top 4610.

Wear resistance

RWA 100.

Guidance for specification option:

RW (defined) class.

Manufacturer guidance

weberfloor industry pro top 4610.

Sustainability data

Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom



Product certifications


Product certifications



EPD Certificate (weberfloor rapid floor screeds)

ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001:2015


weberfloor industrial system - System spec card

weberfloor industrial system - System spec card

weberfloor 4716 - Technical datasheet

weberfloor 4716 - Technical datasheet

weberfloor industry pro top 4610 - Technical datasheet

weberfloor industry pro top 4610 - Technical datasheet

weberfloor industrial base 4600 - Technical datasheet

weberfloor industrial base 4600 - Technical datasheet

weberfloor 4720 epoxy primer - Technical datasheet

weberfloor 4720 epoxy primer - Technical datasheet

weberfloor DPM Pro - Technical datasheet

weberfloor DPM Pro - Technical datasheet

Inspiration Guide

Inspiration Guide

Solutions for construction - Introducing Weber

Solutions for construction - Introducing Weber

weberfloor application guide

weberfloor application guide

Flooring Guide

Flooring Guide

Supply Chain Sustainability School Gold Status

Supply Chain Sustainability School Gold Status

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