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Secured by Design Certificate - Overhead Sectional Doors
Secured By Design

Secured By Design

Certificate type

Secured by Design Certificate - Overhead Sectional Doors

Assa Abloy Entrance Systems Ltd

Valid until 20/12/2025

Provided by Secured by Design

Secured by Design

Additional notes: This certification covers three types of overhead sectional doors, including: - Crawford OH1042P insulated panel overhead sectional door; - Crawford OH1082P enhanced insulated panel overhead sectional door; - Crawford OH1042S fast overhead sectional door.

Date of first issue: 21/12/2023

Date of last issue: 20/12/2024

Expiry date: 20/12/2025

+44 (0)333 006 3443 Website

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Crawford OH1042P SBD (Secured by Design)
Overhead Sectional Door - Overhead Sectional Door

Crawford OH1042P SBD (Secured by Design) Overhead Sectional Door - Overhead Sectional Door