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Secured By Design (SBD)
Secured By Design

Secured By Design

Certificate type

Secured By Design (SBD)

Ahmarra Door Solutions Ltd

Provided by Secured by Design

Secured by Design

Additional notes: Ahmarra are a Secured By Design (SBD) licence holder, and can manufacture Q-Mark Enhanced Security Doors. Secured by Design is an official police initiative that’s purpose is to improve the security of buildings and their surroundings, by incorporating crime prevention measures at the design stage. The Q-Mark Enhanced Security Door certification scheme provides assurance that your doors are consistently manufactured to a high quality that satisfies SBD standards. These security doors provide peace of mind that the people, property and assets within the building are protected from opportunist thieves, vandalism and attack. Ahmarra offer dual certification for both Q-Mark Fire Door Manufacture and Q-Mark Enhanced Security for our Secured By Design (SBD) internal flat entrance doors.

Date of last issue: 04/09/2023

Expiry date: 03/09/2024

02392 389 076 Website

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