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PlasProtek Bollard Cover Sleeve - Bristol


IAE’s PlasProtek Bollard Sleeves came to the rescue at the last minute for a new development near Bristol.

The development was due to put on a promotion event but with only a few days to go before the big day, the protection bollards installed at the site had problems with their coating.

The bollard had been wrapped without being completely dry, and when the wrapping was being removed, sections of the coating was coming off as well.

The bollards held a prominent position at the front of the units. The damaged coating on the bollards would definitely be noticed on the promotion day and would make a bad impression on potential clients.

A fast solution was needed.

An attempt was made to touch up the coating with paint. However the results were considered unacceptable for what was supposed to be a brand new development as the poor finish was noticeable from a few feet away.

IAE had already supplied the site with Circonomy Cycle Shelters and Vmex Perimeter Fencing, and came up with the suggestion on using its PlasProtek Bollard Sleeve to cover the bollards.

A sample was rushed to site, and the sleeve was signed off as the solution to the problem.

A batch of sleeves big enough to cover all the bollards on the development was shipped to site, arriving the day before the promotion event, which was plenty of time as the sleeves are so quick and easy to install.

As an easy to install, and easy to replace alternative to powder coating, the developer has decided to specify the sleeves on all their bollards from the very start on future projects.

Products featured in this case study

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IAE PlasProtek Bollard

IAE PlasProtek Bollard

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