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Meeting room acoustics upgrade


Initial Assessment:

The meeting room at BlueVoyant in Leeds was plagued with excessive echo and reverberation due to the abundance of hard surfaces. This acoustical problem made it difficult for employees to communicate effectively during meetings, particularly during conference calls.

Requirement and Solution:

To address these issues, it was necessary to install effective acoustic treatment to absorb excess sound and reduce reverberation. The solution involved installing Still Note panels, which are designed specifically to improve room acoustics by absorbing sound reflections and minimizing echo. The 40mm panels were suspended from the ceiling at a height of 20 to 30 cm.

Positive Results:

  • Reverberation Reduction: The reverberation in the meeting room was significantly reduced, creating a more acoustically pleasant environment.
  • Improved Communication: Speech became much clearer, enhancing overall communication during meetings.
  • Enhanced Conference Calls: Echo from glass and other hard surfaces was minimized, making speakerphone conversations more intelligible.

Before and After Comparison:

A before-and-after comparison was conducted using a clap test, demonstrating the substantial improvement in reverberation levels:

  • Before Installation: High reverberation, poor speech clarity.
  • After Installation: Low reverberation, improved speech clarity.


The installation of Still Note panels at BlueVoyant in Leeds significantly improved the acoustic environment of the meeting room. By reducing reverberation, the panels enhanced speech intelligibility, communication, and productivity, making meetings more efficient and effective.


“I love these videos for illustrating the difference acoustic panels can make in your life!”


If your office or meeting room suffers from similar acoustic issues, consider installing Still Note panels to achieve a quieter, more productive work environment.

💡 Interested? See the range here ---> Still Note Panels

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