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Epsom Hospital


he NHS Trust commissioned Breath Energy

to review its estate, recommend and manage

a programme of works to significantly reduce

energy costs and CO



Central to the works was the external upgrade

of the main Epsom Hospital premises, the Wells

Building, to improve thermal performance and

address failings in the building fabric. The existing

roof areas had failed and were allowing water

ingress, potentially not only damaging the building

fabric and energy efficiency but essential hospital


Langley’s project team had to devise solutions

that enabled the whole building exterior- facades

and roofs – to be upgraded while the seven-

storey hospital remained operational. Added to

the complexity, the project began while Covid-19

restrictions were in force.

Our solution:

Detailed roof surveys prior to work commencing enabled

us to identify potential problems and advise on effective

solutions in advance.

We recommended full strip-up of the roofs, as the existing

had perished beyond economical repair. We advised new

construction with TA-25 W Flat Roofing System on the

main roof, stairwell roof and plant room areas. The TA-

25 system is independently certified by the BBA (British

Board of Agreement) confirming Broof (t4) classification.

It also has LABC assured accreditation to provide support

with regard to building control. The inclusion of insulation

meant the new roof achieved the current requirement of


While a full strip-up of the two terraces and balcony

would also have been the preferred solution, the depth

of work would have been impractical as the hospital’s

operating theatres were below, and in use. Our solution

was to remove the existing top layer and replace with PC-

20W Liquid Roofing System and install breather vents to

address moisture within.

Products featured in this case study

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TA-25 W Flat Roofing System

TA-25 W Flat Roofing System

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