TVS was Group was tasked with the isolation of a new luxury residential property in Mayfair from ground-borne noise and vibration from the nearby Jubilee line. A target re-radiated noise criterion of 30dB LAmax,(slow) within the lower ground floor (the worst affected area) meant that a fully floated raft foundation was required with a target natural frequency of 10Hz.
A combination of Sylodyn products in 50mm thickness across the base of the raft, and Sylomer materials in 37.5mm thickness up the basement walls, provided this high-performance solution, whilst bespoke treatments around service penetrations and at connections to adjacent buildings ensured that this was not compromised throughout the rest of the construction.
Close work with the design team throughout the planning and specification process provided a solution that integrated seamlessly with the structure and waterproofing detail, whilst detailed layout plans, on-site training and supervision resulted in an easily installed system.
Sylodyn® - Water Resistant High Performance Vibration Isolation Materials - Vibration Protection Solution
TVS ABSorb Baffles - 3 Hardman Street Manchester
Rochdale Riverside Cinema - Acoustic Floating Floors
Blaze Studio Birmingham - RESi Dry Floating Floor
Owen Street, Manchester - RESi Dry Floating Floor
Soundproofing a multi-use residential and commercial building, Ellesmere Port
Reducing noise break-in issue on new school roof, Chester
Atlas Oak Beige - Cairn Homes Kildare
Mammut Plus - Hamilton Gardens