NBS Source
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General building products (4951)

General building products includes a wide variety of products used in multiple areas across a project and includes materials such as cements, mortars, sheets, insulation, fasteners etc.

Aggregates (11)

Hardscape Products Ltd
Bauder Ltd

+ 3 manufacturers

Concrete, cements, mortars and grouts (693)

Concrete, cements, mortars and grouts
Sika Limited
Smart Concrete

+ 85 manufacturers

Damproofing, waterproofing and weatherproofing (894)

Damproofing, waterproofing and weatherproofing
Schöck Ltd
Bauder Ltd
Klasse Group Ltd

+ 126 manufacturers

Fire protection (253)

Fire protection
Hilti (Gt Britain) Ltd
Fixfast Ltd

+ 36 manufacturers

Fixings and fasteners (228)

Fixings and fasteners
OnLevel Ltd
Vista Engineering Ltd
Tate Steel Ltd

+ 39 manufacturers

Insulation (567)

Saint-Gobain Isover UK
Baumit Ltd

+ 68 manufacturers

Repair, cleaning and renovation (48)

Repair, cleaning and renovation
Eco-Solutions Limited
Mapei (UK) Ltd
Sovereign Chemicals Ltd

+ 14 manufacturers

Sheet materials (1700)

Sheet materials
Polyrey UK
Nu-Style Products Ltd
Kronospan Ltd

+ 207 manufacturers

Tiling materials (557)

Tiling materials
Albion Stone plc
Ardex UK Ltd
Radmat Building Products Ltd

+ 51 manufacturers