Product catalogue
Product catalogue
Explore our a range of plain colours and woodgrains, available across our ranges of cubicles, washroom paneling, vanity units, lockers and benching. The colours come in a range of material types including solid grade laminate (SGL), high pressure laminate(HPL) and melamine faced chipboard (MFC). HPL can be applied to a variety of board types including chipboard, MDF and Birch plywood.
Thrifty MFC Cubicles | Budget - Cost-Effective Cubicles
Vanity for Semi-Countertop Basins - Bespoke Vanity Units
Atmosphere Cubicles | Full Height - Full-Height Cubicles
Benches - Washroom/ Changing Room Bench Seating
Vanity for Inset Basins - Bespoke Vanity Units
Anthracite Cubicles | Toilet & Shower - Compact Cubicles
Thrive Cubicles | Children's Cubicles - Childrens' Cubicles
Bristol Panel Formers Locker Brochure
Duct Access Systems
Bristol Panel Formers Brochure
Pfleiderer Washroom Colour Chart