Product catalogue
Product catalogue
PermaRock Scratch Render is a pre-mixed render based on cement limestone and specially selected, lightfast and UV stable mineral pigments. It is supplied as a dry powder, preblended, ready mixed, cement-lime based exterior through-colour render containing a silicone water repellent agent. This monocouche type render is for single or two coat applications to brick or blockwork masonry and onto a PermaRock reinforced base coat. The render is weather resistant and yet provides excellent water vapour permeability, allowing treated walls to breathe. Scratch Render can be applied in thick layers which enable the creation of rustication and ashlar effects. The water repellent surface reduces water absorption and improves resistance to algae, soiling and frost damage.
Permarock Mineral Fibre EWI System with Brick Slip Finish - Class A External Wall Insulation System
Permarock EPS-Premium EWI System with Dry Dash
PermaRock Existing Buildings (Retrofit) Brochure - external wall insulation (solid wall), insulated cladding and render systems for the retrofit / refurbishment of building
PermaRock External Wall Insulation Systems onto Sheathed Frame Substrates - Standard Detail Set
PermaRock New Buildings Brochure (external wall insulation, insulated cladding and render systems for new buildings)
PermaRend (Render Only) Standard Detail Set - Masonry Walls