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Rationel Windows

Rationel Windows

Beautifully bespoke Scandinavian windows

+44 (0)1480 759511 Website


NBS Specifications

Neil Edwards

Specification Consultant

Certification bodies

Rationel Scandinavian windows bring together daylight, beauty and warmth to truly amplify any building. Highly energy-efficient as standard, our windows and doors act as the catalyst to a totally comfortable and content environment.

All of our windows are made entirely bespoke, and we put the utmost care to create something that’s perfectly suited to your project.

Visit our website to find out more about our premium quality ranges of timber(Rationel AURA & Rationel FORMA) and timber/aluminium (Rationel AURAPLUS & Rationel FORMAPLUS).


View all products
Rationel AURAPLUS® Doors - Entrance Glazed and Flush

Rationel AURAPLUS® Doors - Entrance Glazed and Flush

Rationel AURAPLUS® Sliding Casement Door  - Sliding Exterior Patio Doors

Rationel AURAPLUS® Sliding Casement Door - Sliding Exterior Patio Doors

Rationel FORMAPLUS® Doors  - Entrance Glazed and Flush

Rationel FORMAPLUS® Doors - Entrance Glazed and Flush

Rationel AURAPLUS® Windows

Rationel AURAPLUS® Windows

Case studies

View all case studies
BedZed Zero Energy Development, London

BedZed Zero Energy Development, London

Jubilee Wharf

Jubilee Wharf

Dallochy House in Aberdeenshire

Dallochy House in Aberdeenshire

Longhouse - Derbyshire

Longhouse - Derbyshire


View all literature
Fox Barn - Passive House Case Study

Fox Barn - Passive House Case Study

Rationel Door Catalogue

Rationel Door Catalogue

Rationel FORMA/FORMAPLUS Catalogue

Rationel FORMA/FORMAPLUS Catalogue

Rationel Aura/Auraplus catalogue

Rationel Aura/Auraplus catalogue

Trade names

  • Rationel AURA
  • Rationel AURAPLUS
  • Rationel FORMA
  • Rationel FORMAPLUS