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Unilin Insulation UK Limited

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RIBA CPD logo Sponsored
From Regulations to RIBA Climate Challenge – Energy Targets & Accounting for Embodied Carbon

From Regulations to RIBA Climate Challenge – Energy Targets & Accounting for Embodied Carbon

Unilin Insulation UK Limited

The presentation aims to provide an overview of the new Part L 2021 edition and the proposed future homes standard performance requirements. There is also an introduction to the RIBA Climate Challenge 2030 and an outline of the target criteria including embodied carbon. The presentation aims to inform attendees about the process and conventions involved in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of: - The recent Govt announcements on the Part L 2021 and the proposed Future Homes Standard- An introduction to embodied carbon as a metric - Future regulations- The principles of the RIBA Climate Challenge 2030- What an EPD is and what role it has in calculating embodied carbon-The assessment of embodied carbon on 4 dwelling types
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RIBA CPD logo Sponsored
Section 6 2024 Scotland: Fabric Performance and towards Passive

Section 6 2024 Scotland: Fabric Performance and towards Passive

Unilin Insulation UK Limited

This seminar looks at the Scotland Building Standards Technical Handbook Section 6 on energy efficiency. It will help you to understand the following topics:- Understand the goals set within Section 6 for fabric performance, the fabric first approach and how to achieve compliance in your specification- Understand the advantage of good detailing to achieve good fabric performance- Understand the thermal bridging factor, the Y-value and how it is calculated- Understand how to calculate target U-values and the reference house - Understand how to get towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB), Zero Carbon House and Passive standards
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