Specification writing partner
Specification writing partner
Ian Spencer
Technical Director
Brendan Clancy
Customer Development Director
Quality Assurance
Vital Energi is an award-winning energy company specialising in renewable and sustainable energy solutions across all sectors. With over 30 years of experience of delivering heat networks, Vital Energi have developed a suite of innovative products including one of the most efficient Heat Interface Units on the market which are certified by BESA. vTherm° is supported by our customer and client service solutions, consisting of metering and billing, operation and maintenance and the new Smart App and Portal, Glass.
vTherm°e Heat Interface Unit - Electronically Controlled HIU
Glass & vTherm°e - Energy Management System
vTherm°e (Electronic) Installation Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
vTherm°e (Electronic) Datasheet
vTherm˚c Data Sheet