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Epsicon 3 - External Wall Insulation System - PS2

Verified by manufacturer over a year ago

Wetherby Wall Systems Ltd | Part of ROCKWOOL Group

A masonry BBA certified system consisting of a enhanced EPS insulation board, basecoated, meshed, finished off with a dash receiver and dashing stone finish.

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Suitable for use on the outside of external masonry walls of new or existing domestic and non-domestic buildings, with height and boundary restrictions (see systems BBA certificate for further information).


The Epsicon External Wall Insulation System, comprising mechanically fixed enhanced EPS insulation boards, with supplementary adhesive (if required), a reinforced basecoat, dash receiver and dashing stone finish.

General information



Manufacturer guidance

Please see Wetherby Through Coloured Render and Spar Dash Systems document for further information.

Warranty description

Ten year


Ss_25_45_72_28 External wall insulation systemsPrimary


M21/20 External wall insulation systems

M21/210 Rendered external wall insulation systems

Specification data - External wall insulation systems

System performance

Thermal performance.

Guidance for specification option:

The systems can improve the thermal performance of external walls and can contribute to satisfying the requirements of the National Building Regulations.

Strength and Stability.

Guidance for specification option:

The systems can adequately resist wind loads and has sufficient resistance to impact damage.

System Tested to BS EN 13501-1:2018.

Guidance for specification option:

This system can have a of B-s1, d0 reaction to fire but its use is restricted.

Risk of Condensation.

Guidance for specification option:

The system can contribute to a limiting risk of interstitial and surface condensation.


Guidance for specification option:

When installed and maintained in accordance with the Certificate holder’s recommendations and the terms of this Certificate, the system will remain effective for at least 30 years. The durability can be extended to 60 years by using an enhanced specification adhesive and by following an effective maintenance schedule see sections 12 and 13 of the systems BBA certificate.

Further Information.

Guidance for specification option:

For further information on the above points please visit the system’s BBA Certificate.


Treatment to Existing Sound Surfaces.

Guidance for specification option:

Remove any loose material and existing render, where required dub out the surface level, ready to receive the EWI system. The existing walls are to be cleaned with a wire brush or pressure jet wash, to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator, to remove any friable material, algae or lichen, and to provide a good key for Wetherby products. Treat areas of moss, algae and mould growth with WBS Biocidal Wash. Dense smooth surfaces may require treating with WBS Stabilising Solution / Bonding Agent to ensure adequate adhesion on wet fix or render only applications.

If the walls include existing render or the substrate isn’t line and level and requires dubbing out, the fixing lengths stated within this specification may need to change. This will need to be confirmed on site prior to the installation of the Wetherby system. Sizing of flashings, trims and beads may also require alterations.

Dubbing Out.

Guidance for specification option:

Where necessary dub out, using Wetherby Dubbing Render, any hollow/ defective areas to leave a suitable surface for the application of the insulation boards. Maximum dubbing coat thickness: 16 mm.

Biocidal Wash.

Guidance for specification option:

Where required, apply one coat of Wetherby Biocidal Wash to the entire surface by roller or knapsack spray and allow to dry. Brush the surface to remove all signs of growth before rendering commences. 

Stabilising Solution.

Guidance for specification option:

Where required, apply one coat of Wetherby Stabilising Solution to the entire surface by roller, ensuring uniform coverage and allow to dry.

Support rails and brackets


Fixing method



WBS Powder Coated Galvanised Steel Bellcast Bead.

Guidance for specification option:

Securely fix Wetherby bellcast bead above DPC level at base of the system. Mechanically fix bellcast bead at max. 300 mm centres, 50 mm from each end. Packing shims may be required to ensure the Bellcast bead is true to line and level. Any gaps behind the base track allowing free air movement behind the insulation should be sealed appropriately.

Bracket fixings

WBS HIT 6/5 Hammerscrew Bead Fixing.




Enhanced EPS 70E.

Guidance for specification option:

Thermal Performance of the board is 0.32, Thicknesses compatible with the system’s certification range between 40–240 mm.

-              Board Size: 1200 x 600 mm.

-              Density: 15 Kg/m³.

-              Minimum Compressive Strength: 70 KN/m².

-              Thermal Conductivity: 0.032 Wm²/K.


-              Performance in Relation to Fire:

-              Flame Retardant Grade.

-              Class E (BS EN 13501-1:2002).


-              Environmental:

-              CFC / HCFC Free.

-              Zero ODP.

-              GWP Less Than 5. 

Enhanced EPS 90E.

Guidance for specification option:

Thermal Performance of the board is 0.30, Thicknesses compatible with the system’s certification range between 40–240 mm.

- Board Size: 1200 x 600 mm.

- Density: 18 Kg/m³.

- Minimum Compressive Strength: 100 KN/m².

- Thermal Conductivity: 0.030 Wm²/K.

- Performance in Relation to Fire: 

- Flame Retardant Grade.

- Class E (BS EN 13501-1:2002).

- Environmental:

- CFC / HCFC Free.

- Zero ODP.

- GWP Less Than 5. 


Guidance for specification option:

Thermal Performance Ranging from 0.21–0.23, Thicknesses compatible with the system’s certification range between 60 – 120 mm.


-              Board Size: 1200 x 600 mm.

-              Density: 40 Kg/m³.

-              Minimum Compressive Strength: 150 KN/m².

-              Thermal Conductivity: 0.021–0.023 Wm²/K (dependent on thickness of board).


-              Performance in Relation to Fire:

-              Class C-s1, d0.


-              Environmental:

-              CFC / HCFC Free.

-              Zero ODP.

-              GWP Less Than 5.

Manufacturer guidance

Insulation Boards can be mechanically and adhesively fixed or mechanical only. If a plastic pin fixing is used a minimum of 40% of bedding adhesive must be applied to the back of the boards. If a metal pin fixing is used then bedding adhesive will not be required. If Enhanced EPS insulation boards greater than or equal to 120 mm are specified a minimum of 40% of bedding adhesive must be applied to the back of the boards. If Phenolic insulation boards are specified, the boards must be fully bed and mechanically fixed. 


WBS Bedding Adhesive.

Additional mechanical fixings

T-FIX-8M Range.
T-FIX-8S Range.

Manufacturer guidance

The Enhanced EPS Boards are mechanically fixed with WBS approved fixings. Fixing of the Phenolic insulation boards may require fixing through the mesh - Please contact Wetherby for further information on this. The fixings frequency, type and length would be subject Pull-Out Tests and Wind Load Calculations. 

Fire barriers and stops



Lamella Insulation.

Manufacturer guidance

Adhesively and mechanically fix fire breaks using a minimum of 4 stainless steel fixings per board. Fire breaks to be installed horizontally and vertically at agreed locations. Bed alkali resistant mesh into scrim adhesive, overlapping main insulant by 100 mm minimum as per WBS detail drawing.


DHM Range.
TID-MR Range.

Manufacturer guidance

Fixing type, length and frequency all subject to pull out tests, job specific detailing/ requirements and wind load calculations, please contact Wetherby for further information on this.

Movement joints


Form with

WBS Powder Coated Galvanised Steel Movement Joint Bead.
WBS Powder Coated Galvanised Steel Stop Bead.

Manufacturer guidance

Wetherby Insist that all structural movement joints are mirrored through the EWI System. As a minimum we would typically expect a render system to incorporate the movement joints every 7–10 m vertically and at every other floor level horizontally. Structural Engineers will be required to confirm how much movement will occur and where movement joints are located in the substrate give an indication where the joints will need to be installed. All movement joints and surface render beads must be fully meshed in, applying silicone sealant where necessary. 


Where movement joints, are required a compriband sealing tape must be installed between the insulation boards.

Render carrier or reinforcement



Glass Fibre Reinforcement Mesh.

Manufacturer guidance

Trowel apply a 4–6 mm (8–10 mm for Phenolic Insulation Boards) thick coat of scrim adhesive to the entire surface of the insulation boards. Lightly run a notched trowel through the scrim adhesive at a 45 degree angle to ensure the correct thickness of adhesive is applied. Bed WBS Alkali Resistant Scrim Cloth into top third of the wet adhesive, overlapping joints by 75 mm minimum. The scrim cloth must be overlapped around building corners and returned into all reveals and heads. All beads must be fully scrimmed in. Install additional 250 x 300 mm minimum pieces of scrim cloth diagonally across corners of all wall openings. 

Mesh size

50 m².

Manufacturer guidance



DHM Range.
TID-MR Range.

Manufacturer guidance

Secondary mechanical fixings are required on all projects 2 storeys and above at a rate of 1 per m² as per BRE Report BR135:2013. NHBC require in all cases that a minimum of one non-combustible fixing is installed through the reinforcement mesh per insulation board, in addition to other fixings. Install secondary fixings through the first pass of wet scrim adhesive and WBS Alkali Resistant Scrim Cloth. 100 x 100 mm scrim patches to be installed over each secondary fixing head. All fixing types, lengths and frequency subject to pull out tests and wind load calculations. Finally scratch scrim adhesive horizontally in preparation for the Wetherby Dash Receiver finish coat.




WBS Polymer Cement Dashing Mortar.

Guidance for specification option:

Trowel apply one coat of WBS Polymer Cement Dashing Mortar in the traditional manner, at a thickness of 8–10 mm. A darby or straight edged tool may be used to ensure a relatively uniform thickness, which can be smoothed out using a plastic float. Complete individual surfaces in one operation where practical.

Decorative finish

WBS Mineral Aggregate Spar Dash.

Guidance for specification option:

Whilst the freshly applied Dashing Mortar is still wet, dry dash the render surface in an upwards motion using clean Wetherby dashing grade mineral aggregates. Ensure consistent application of the aggregate to leave an aesthetically pleasing finish. 


Please see Wetherby Through Coloured Render & Spar Dash Systems document for further information.

System accessories

WBS Sealing Tape.

Guidance for specification option:

Pre-compressed, expanding waterproof sealing tape.

WBS Firtree Fixings.
WBS Jointing Pieces.
WBS End Caps.
WBS EVO-STIK Silicone Sealant.

Samples required


Manufacturer guidance

Wetherby offer a comprehensive product sample service, which allows both you and your customer to view a small sample of the finished build-up, colour and texture before a final decision is made. For further information please contact Wetherby Building Systems.


  • Procedure: Submit samples / examples of designated items for approval. Keep approved samples on site for the duration of the contract for inspection / comparison purposes.
  • Designated items: Textured sample of Wetherby Silicone Finish. 


Preparation work to existing substrate.
Preinstallation survey.
On site pull out tests of mechanical fixings.
Job specific wind load calculations.
Installing base rails.
Installing full system stop beads.
Installing insulation boards.
Installing render systems.

System completion

Inspection of completed installation.
Documentation for insulated render systems.
O&M manuals and data sheets relevant to the system installed.

BIM objects


NBS BIM Object Standard

This BIM object has been authored to meet the requirements of the NBS BIM Object Standard.

Find out more about the NBS BIM Object Standard.

Platform Compatible Version





Through Coloured Renders / Spar Dash Systems

Through Coloured Renders / Spar Dash Systems

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