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IWA 14 & LPS1175 HVM Terra Bi-folding Gates – 7.2t at 30 mph - HVM Anti Terrorist Bi-folding gate

Verified by manufacturer 4 days ago

Frontier Pitts Ltd Product certifications:
  • BRE Certificate

    BRE Certificate

    Certificate type

  • Secured By Design

    Secured By Design

    Certificate type

IWA 14 and LPS1175 HVM bi-folding gates – 7.2 t at 30 mph.

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Suitable for high-security sites such as banks, embassies, bullion depots, cargo parks, ports and lorry parks.


The Terra Bi-folding Gate is impact tested to the International IWA 14 Specification, stopping a 7.2-tonne vehicle travelling at 30 mph. The hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) bi-fold gate has been proven to stop vehicles, providing HVM, counter-terrorist, impact-resistant barriers preventing vehicle as a weapon attack and LPS1175 Security Rated Automatic gates where all the gate (infill, motor mechanism) is tested. (IWA 14 Classification Code: V/7200[N2A]/48/90:0.2). Intruder-resistant to forced entry, certified by LPCB to LPS1175: Issue 8, Security Rating B3 (SR2).

Available with a choice of actuators, depending on the size of the gate: Dutyman actuators (electro-mechanical) and underground Trojan actuators (hydraulic). Heavy-duty rams with PLC-controlled slowdown to ensure quick and safe operation. Operational speed is dependent on model and length; contact the manufacturer for details.

Features and benefits:

  • All made to order.
  • A PSSA Verified Product.
  • Secured by Design.
  • Listed on the CPNI List of IWA 14 and PAS 68 products.

General information



Guidance for specification option:

Shot blasted, hot zinc sprayed, primed and finished with a final coat of polyurethane paint to a RAL number. This process provides a 20-year corrosion protection system for exterior, industrially non-polluted inland sites to BS 5493.









Warranty description

One year


Pr_30_59_34_14 Carbon steel gatesPrimary
Ss_25_32_35_30 Folding gate systems


Q40/570 Proprietary gates and posts

Q50/20 Gate

Q50/130 Gate

Q40/45 Proprietary gates

Q50/190 Bollards

Product range

Anti Terra HVM (Hostile Vehicle Mitigation) IWA14 & PAS68
LPS1175 Forced Entry Gates & Barriers

Specification data - Carbon steel gates


Impact tested to IWA14-1. Installation in accordance to IWA14-2. Intruder Attack tested to LPS1175 B3/SR2.




8000 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Maximum size.


2400 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Standard size 2400mm. Maximum height of 3000 mm.





Finish as delivered


Worked finish

Shot blasted.

Applied finish

Polyurethane painted.

Guidance for specification option:

Hot zinc sprayed, primed and finished with a final coat of polyurethane paint to a RAL number. This process provides a 20-year corrosion protection system for exterior, industrially non-polluted inland sites to BS 5493.


Manual operation.

Dutyman actuator.

Guidance for specification option:

(Electro-mechanical) Approved by LPCB to LPS1175 Security Rating 2.

Underground Trojan actuator.

Guidance for specification option:

(Hydraulic) Approved by LPCB to LPS1175 Security Rating 2.

Powered bolt

Not required.

Guidance for specification option:

Not availble for manual operation.

Powered locking bolt.

Guidance for specification option:

Approved by LPCB to LPS1175 Security Rating 1, 2 and 3 (A1, B3, C5).


Audible alarms.

Flashing beacons.

Induction loop / Vehicle detector loop system.


Pedestrian guard rail, 2000 mm high

Guidance for specification option:

To prevent the gate closing on a person or vehicle.

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Access control

Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR).

Audio intercom.

Card reader.

Digital keypad.

GSM intercom.

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Gate guide

Underground guidance.

Gate infill

Bar and Weldmesh infill.

Guidance for specification option:

Approved by LPCB to LPS1175 Security Rating 2.

Top protection

55 mm serrated edge.

Anti-climb rotating strip.

Anti-climb serrated edges.

Barbed tape.

Barbed wire.


Not required.

100 mm diameter red/ green LED traffic light head with monitored safety circuit.

Control pedestal - dual height.

Control pedestal - HGV height.

Control pedestal - standard height.

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Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom



Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

100 %

BIM objects

Platform Compatible Version


Product certifications

BRE Certificate

BRE Certificate

Terra Bi-fold Gates Certificate: LPS1175 & IWA14 Cert C1059 d/e/f

Secured By Design

Secured By Design

Secured by Design accredited


IWA 14 & PAS 68 HVM Gates Product Guide

IWA 14 & PAS 68 HVM Gates Product Guide

Security Gates Product Guide

Security Gates Product Guide

HVM Terra Bi-fold Gate - IWA14 & LPS1175

HVM Terra Bi-fold Gate - IWA14 & LPS1175

Case studies

Frontier Pitts receives LPCBs First joint LPS1175 & IWA14 certification

Frontier Pitts receives LPCBs First joint LPS1175 & IWA14 certification

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